Redeem Ticket Vouchers

To redeem your Orioles Ticket Vouchers, please follow the ‘Quick Steps’ below.

For any questions, you may contact us at 888-848-BIRD, or email

Orioles Voucher Redemption Quick Steps:
  1. Click the ‘Access Vouchers’ link above. This will allow you to Log into your 'My Orioles Tickets' account or if you are a first-time user, select ‘Sign Up’ to create an account.
  2. Select the ‘Vouchers’ option on the left side of the screen to enter the Voucher area of your ‘My Orioles Tickets’ Account.
  3. Any existing vouchers on your account will appear here. If you have a voucher code to add, enter the code, including the dash, to add to your ‘My Orioles Tickets’ Account.
  4. To convert your voucher into a game ticket, click the voucher you want to use and scroll to the bottom of the page to select ‘REDEEM’
  5. Select the voucher(s) by clicking the checkbox next to each Voucher you want to redeem, and then click ‘Continue’.
  6. Select the game you want to attend.
  7. If any 'Exclusive Offer’ pop-up appears, click the ‘X’ in the top right corner of the pop-up.
  8. To select the seats you would like, click on the desired section on the Interactive Seating Map.
  9. Select a seat for each voucher you wish to redeem. You can also purchase extra seats at the same time you redeem your voucher(s). Once all desired seats are selected, click “Continue”.
  10. Subject to availability, parking passes may be purchased before arriving at Oriole Park at Camden Yards. Click ‘ADD TO CART' if desired.
  11. Accept the Terms and Conditions and click ‘PLACE ORDER’.

Note: Upon checkout, you will receive an email confirming your order. Your tickets will be accessible via the MLB Ballpark app.