Oriole Park A-to-Z Guide

This Fan Information Guide is designed to assist our fans by presenting information about Baltimore Orioles/Oriole Park offerings and accommodations for the season. The information is presented in alphabetical order for your ease of use. Enjoy the season!



The Baltimore Orioles are dedicated to accommodating the needs of guests with disabilities or special needs along with their families and friends so that they may fully enjoy their visit to Oriole Park at Camden Yards. We strive to offer the finest fan service by providing a safe, clean, and comfortable environment for everyone.

For more information on accessibility at Camden Yards, please visit Orioles.com/Accessibility.

Address/Phone Number

Baltimore Orioles Oriole Park at Camden Yards 333 West Camden Street Baltimore, Maryland 21201 Phone: 888-848-BIRD (2473) Fax: 410-547-6277


In case of emergency, defibrillators are located throughout Oriole Park in the following locations: Lower Level Concourse (outside of the Women's Restrooms located near sections 17-22, 58-64, 72-79 and 84-87); Club Level (across from Suite 63, across from Suites 7/8 by the Service Elevator, and across from the Concierge Desk); and the Upper Level Concourse (outside the Men's Restroom near section 324, outside the First Aid room near section 348, and outside the Women's Restroom near section 364).

Alcohol Service

The sale of alcohol at concession stands will be terminated at the end of the 8th inning, or three and a half hours after the scheduled first pitch, whichever comes first. All vendors require a valid state or government-issued ID for the purchase and consumption of alcohol within the park. There is a limit of two alcoholic beverages per person, per transaction with valid ID. The Orioles, as well as our vending and concessions partners, reserve the right to refuse sale/service of beverages to anyone who appears to be intoxicated or is without valid ID.


Service dogs are the only animals permitted within the gates of Oriole Park at Camden Yards.

Anthem Singers

See National Anthem.

Assisted Listening Devices

Assisted listening devices for the hearing-impaired are available at the Guest Experience Kiosk located behind home plate on the Lower Level Concourse.


Time permitting, players and coaches may sign autographs for fans along the field prior to the game. When the game begins, ushers will ask fans to return to their seats.


Ballpark App

The official MLB Ballpark app is your mobile app companion for buying game tickets, planning your visit, and attending live games at Oriole Park at Camden Yards. The Ballpark app is a must for the fan who wants to stay informed and connected with their favorite team. The Ballpark app lets you access and manage your digital tickets, easily forward tickets, browse team schedules, view interactive ballpark maps, Song of the Game, ballpark guide, Closed Captioning, and more. Plus, you can chronicle your own personal history, creating an archive of your personal experiences at Major League Baseball stadiums. For more information, please visit Orioles.com/BallparkApp.

Baltimore Orioles Charitable Foundation

The Baltimore Orioles Charitable Foundation supports many civic and charitable organizations with the goal of enriching the lives of fans throughout Birdland. Since its creation in 1965, the Baltimore Orioles have donated more than $20 million to support various organizations in the Orioles' community. To learn more visit Orioles.com/Foundation.


The Orioles welcome fan support in the form of handmade banners and signs. To ensure that all fans will have an unobstructed view of the ballgame, the Orioles do not permit the hanging of banners anywhere in the ballpark. Banners may only be displayed before and after the game and between innings. Banners will be confiscated in which content is commercial, political, and/or in bad taste according to the Orioles' discretion. The Orioles reserve the right to remove any banner at any time and people involved are subject to ejection. Banners or signs must be made of a light, flexible material, such as paper or cloth, and cannot be made of wood, metal, or other inflexible materials that could be dangerous in a public setting.

Bicycle Parking

Oriole Park also offers nearly 200 bicycle parking spots around the exterior of the ballpark. Locations include Gate C, Gate H, along the Warehouse, and at the MDOT MTA MARC Camden Station. These areas are monitored by security personnel during games and events, but owners are advised to lock their bicycles when not in use. The Orioles and Maryland Stadium Authority are not responsible for stolen or damaged bicycles or other personal property.

Birdland Memberships

A Birdland Membership is the best way to enjoy Orioles baseball at Oriole Park at Camden Yards. Choose either a Reserved Membership with a designated seat location and pre-selected games, or the Flex Membership which allows you to select the seat location and ticket quantity for the game you want as you go. Memberships come with a variety of Birdland Benefits including savings on the cost of game tickets, concessions, and merchandise and the Birdland Rewards program, in which Birdland Members can personalize their experience and gifts based on their level of commitment. A complete list of membership benefits is available at Orioles.com/Membership or visit the Birdland Memberships A-Z Guide.

Birdland Value Menu

Coming to Oriole Park in 2025 is the all-new Birdland Value Menu! This affordable food and beverage menu features 12 items with 11 items priced at $5 or less, including adult beverages. Fans will be able to purchase the items at various locations throughout Oriole Park, including along the main concourse and on the Upper Deck.

Learn More »


The Baltimore Orioles would like to wish a happy birthday to our fans who are visiting on their special day. Fans may recognize that special person's birthday or anniversary on Oriole Park's center field video board. Please visit Orioles.com/Scoreboard. A charitable donation is required.

Birthday Suites

Celebrate your Birthday Party in a private Orioles single game suite & host between 20 to 30 guests! Learn More »

Bistro Tables

Bistro Tables are available for small groups in the left field area of Oriole Park’s Club Level. Each table seats four (4) fans and comes with access to the All-Inclusive Picnic Perch menu.

Boog's BBQ

Boog’s BBQ, named for former All-Star first baseman Boog Powell, is located behind the center field bleachers on Eutaw Street.

Box Office

The Orioles Box Office is located at the north end of the Warehouse by Gate H. On game days, the Orioles Box Office will be open 90 minutes before each scheduled home game and will close approximately one hour after first pitch. The Orioles Box Office will be closed during non-game days. Fans are encouraged to purchase their tickets online prior to arriving to the ballpark.


The Breezeway is the area just outside Gate A that allows fans to walk under the south end of the Warehouse toward the MARC Trains and the Light Rail. It is also a designated drop-off and pick-up point for disabled or elderly fans.


Camera/Video Equipment

Guests are permitted to bring cameras and video equipment into Oriole Park at Camden Yards, provided that they are for personal use only and does not interfere with other guest's enjoyment of the game. Camera bags are not permitted. Cameras with a lens longer than seven (7) inches may not be brought into Oriole Park, except by credentialed media. Filming of any game footage is strictly prohibited by Major League Baseball. While taking photographs, guests are not permitted to stand in the aisles, portals or walkways, or to obstruct others from viewing the game. Monopods and tripods are not permitted in Oriole Park. The Baltimore Orioles reserve the right to request that guests discontinue filming or taking photographs on ballpark property. Please note that special events taking place at Oriole Park may require different policies.

Cashless Policy

To limit touch points, Oriole Park at Camden Yards is a cashless ballpark. Methods of payment will be limited to Mastercard, Visa, American Express, and Discover. Cash will not be accepted at ballpark parking lots, concession stands, or ticket windows. Apple Pay and Google Pay are accepted at concession stands only.

There will be a “Reverse ATM” machine that can exchange cash to card for use at concession and merchandise stands, located on the Lower-Level Concourse adjacent to First Aid near Gate D.

Club Level

The Club Level at Oriole Park is a climate-controlled concourse, accessible via the Home Plate Plaza elevators and the escalators on the first and third base concourses. This level is exclusive to Club Level and Suite ticket holders.

Color Guard

To be considered to present the colors before the national anthem at Oriole Park, we ask that all applicants submit the following:

  • Name of the honor or color guard
  • Total number of members in the guard
  • Point of contact name, email, phone number, and mailing address
  • General availability or specific date(s) of interest
  • Description of flags and colors that will be presented (The Orioles require all color & honor guards to provide the US American Flag for all games, and the Canadian flag if presenting before a game against the Toronto Blue Jays)
  • List of past presentations if any, and include photos or videos of your presentation if possible
  • Any special requirements (e.g., accessibility)

Please email the above requirements along with your attached audition file to: perform@orioles.com.



The Baltimore Orioles Community Development department handles community donation requests for charitable events located in the Mid-Atlantic region. Requests will only be considered for organizations that can include a copy of its 501 (c)(3) status and is a recognized charity supporting the Baltimore Orioles community pillars, Strengthening Our Community and Empowering Our Youth. To submit a request, please visit Orioles.com/Donations. For information on complimentary tickets, please see Ticket Grants.

Drink Rail Seating

Located on the Club Level in left field, Drink Rail Seating gives fans an open, more social environment to watch the game and cheer on the Orioles. Tickets are available individually or as part of a group order and come with access to Oriole Park’s exclusive Club Level.


Oriole Park at Camden Yards is a "No Drone Zone."

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) imposes Temporary Flight Restrictions (TFR) to regulate the airspace around Camden Yards during Baltimore Orioles baseball games. Drone operators who do not adhere to these flight restrictions are subject to administrative action, civil penalties, and criminal charges.

To learn more about the temporary flight restrictions for professional sporting events, you can read the FAA’s Notice to Airman (NOTAM) FDC 0/0367.


Equal Access Accommodations

Parking: Accessible individual parking spaces are available first-come, first-served and are in Lot B. Parking in these spots requires a state-issued handicapped license plate or hangtag. Should all spaces be filled, attendants will direct fans to the nearest open parking spot or to the ballpark’s designated drop-off areas. Orioles lots are permit-only. If available, a parking pass can be added to your purchase at checkout on orioles.com/tickets pages.

Drop-Off Areas: For any car or bus, there are two drop-off areas available to both drop off and pick up passengers: the east side of the Warehouse at the Breezeway (directly next to Gate A) and at the Home Plate Plaza area of the service drive (next to Gate E).

Seating: Wheelchair accessible seats are throughout the ballpark in virtually all ticket categories. These seats may be purchased in advance at Orioles.com/Tickets, by calling the Orioles at 888-848-BIRD, or by visiting the Oriole Park Box Office.

Escalators/Elevators: Escalators are available to reach the upper levels of the park near first base and in the left field area. Elevators are available behind home plate (near section 36) and in left field (behind section 78).

Eutaw Street

Eutaw Street is the festive area located between the Warehouse and the ballpark. Known for the bronze baseballs embedded into the sidewalk marking the spot where home runs cleared the right field fence, Eutaw Street also features a plaque to mark the spot where Ken Griffey, Jr. hit the Warehouse during the 1993 All-Star Home Run Derby. Just outside the north end of Eutaw Street are the four-foot aluminum monuments depicting retired Orioles uniform numbers and the Babe Ruth statue.


Fan Code of Conduct

Courteous behavior is expected of all fans. Any fan infringing on another fan's enjoyment of the game is subject to ejection from the ballpark. Orioles staff will intervene when necessary to support an environment where fans can enjoy the baseball experience free from the following behaviors: Foul/abusive language, including offensive language concerning another person's race, ethnicity, gender, religion, disability, age, sexual orientation, or national origin; betting-related abusive speech and behavior; obscene gestures; intoxication or other signs of impairment related to alcohol consumption; displays of affection not appropriate in a public setting; obscene or indecent clothing; any disruption to the progress of the game by a fan's action or unauthorized persons on the playing field; or fans seated in a location other than their ticketed seat. If anyone is interfering in another fan's enjoyment of the game, they are encouraged to contact the nearest usher or visit one of our Guest Service Kiosks.

Fan Feedback

The Orioles are interested in our fans’ opinions and feedback. Throughout the season, fans can provide their feedback through in-park surveys, visiting one of our Guest Experience Kiosks, or emailing birdmail@orioles.com.

Fan Health Promise

The Health and Safety of our fans is one of our top priorities. We ask that all ticketholders follow the terms and conditions set forth as part of our Fan Health Promise. These conditions are subject to change throughout the season.

Fan Mail

Letters to Orioles players should be sent to the individual player at the following address:

c/o Baltimore Orioles
Oriole Park at Camden Yards
333 West Camden Street
Baltimore, MD 21201

Players are responsible for their own mail. It is recommended that if you would like a response, you include a self-addressed, stamped envelope. The organization cannot assume responsibility for lost items, misdirected articles, or unanswered questions.

First Aid

First Aid rooms are located behind home plate on both the Upper and Lower Level Concourses. Registered nurses, a doctor, and paramedic units are on duty during each game.

Flag Court

The Flag Court is between the right field out-of-town scoreboard and Eutaw Street. Each American League team has a flag which is flown in order of the divisional standings.

Food & Beverage

Guests can bring food and non-alcoholic beverages into Oriole Park at Camden Yards using the following guidelines. These guidelines are specific to Orioles regular season home games and do not apply to special events held at the ballpark (i.e. concerts, tours, corporate events, etc.). Items that do not meet these guidelines will not be allowed.

  • Guests may bring in food and non-alcoholic beverages, all of which must be contained in a single approved bag, per Oriole Park Bag Policy
  • Food items should resemble individual portions and not bulk quantities.
  • Guests may bring in a factory-sealed, plastic, non-alcoholic beverage, no larger than 20 oz. Cans and glass bottles are prohibited.
  • Frozen water bottles are prohibited for safety purposes.

Click here for a full guide of the food options offered at Camden Yards.


Gate Times

Gates will open according to the schedule below for all regular season games*:

  • Mon-Thurs: 60 min before first pitch
  • Fri: 90 min before first pitch
  • Sat: 120 min before first pitch
  • Sun: 90 min before first pitch

*Gate times subject to change. Select games will open two hours prior to first pitch.

Fans will only be permitted to enter and exit Oriole Park only through gates A, C, D & H. Other gates will open on a game-by-game basis as needed. Gate times are subject to change. For easy and contactless entry into the ballpark, please have your tickets ready on your mobile device in the MLB Ballpark app.

Gift Cards

An Orioles eGift Card is the perfect gift for every O’s fan! Orioles eGift Cards can be used for tickets at Orioles.com or the Oriole Park box office. They can also be used at concessions and merchandise locations throughout Oriole Park*.

*Some rules and restrictions apply. See gift card for details.

Guest Experience Kiosks

The Guest Experience Kiosks, located around the main concourse and on Eutaw Street, identified by light blue umbrellas, operate from the time the gates open until 30 minutes after the game ends. Any fan needing accommodation can visit us at one of these accessible locations for assistance.


Kids Cheer Free

Through Kids Cheer Free, presented by Baltimore Area Chick-fil-A Restaurants, all children ages 9 and under can attend games at Oriole Park free of charge. Visit Orioles.com/KidsFree for more information and to purchase Kids Cheer Free tickets. For each regularly priced adult ticket purchased in the Upper Deck, fans can add up to two kids tickets (age 9 and under) at no additional cost. This offer is subject to availability and demand.

HI-CHEW Kids Corner

Located near Gate C, the HI-CHEW Kids Corner features entertainment for younger fans, including The Bird House, an interactive treehouse activity center, jungle gym, and games for children. The HI-CHEW Kids’ Corner offers food and beverage options for kids and adults, video entertainment, and lounge areas for parents.

Kids Run the Bases

After every Sunday home game, all kids ages 4-14 are invited to take the field and run the bases like their favorite Orioles players, presented by Weis Markets.

Fans can start lining up in the 9th inning for Kids Run the Bases. All guests should look for the lollipop signage that states “End of Line”.

  • Birdland Members should exit the ballpark and line up on the sidewalk outside of Gate D.
  • Non-Birdland Members should exit the ballpark and line up in Maryland Square.

Once a guest exits the ballpark to line up, they are not allowed to re-enter until the line enters.


License Plates

Show your Birdland pride with an Orioles cartoon bird license plate. The Orioles license plate is perfect for every O’s fan who is also a Maryland resident. Simply visit Orioles.com/Plates and then download, complete, and return the form to the Orioles as instructed. A complete FAQ is also available online. License plates are $50, with half of the proceeds benefiting the Orioles Charitable Foundation. Since the program’s inception, more than $142,000 has been raised for the Foundation.

Loaded Tickets

Orioles Loaded Value tickets allow you to add value to the cost of your ticket, which can be used at most Oriole Park concession stands and team stores. Your loaded value is added to your ticket barcode. Just scan your ticket at the point of sale to redeem towards your purchase! Loaded value is only redeemable for the game date printed on the ticket and is non-refundable.

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Lost and Found

To report or claim a lost item during or after an event or home game, visit the Orioles Lost & Found web page. The Orioles keep lost items for 15 days. Items not claimed after 15 days will be donated and disposed of. If guests are looking to retrieve lost items at Oriole Park at Camden Yards on a non-game day they must coordinate item pick up. Items may only be picked up during Orioles business hours of 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday – Thursday. Shipping arrangements can be made for guests unable to visit Oriole Park to retrieve lost items. The Orioles are not responsible for any items lost on ballpark property.

Lost Parents/Found Children

Children who cannot find their parents should go to any Guest Services Kiosk. Parents looking for their children should also go to a Guest Services Kiosk.


Military Programs

We are honored to be part of a region that is home to many dedicated military personnel, and the Orioles organization sincerely appreciates those who risk their lives each day in service to our country. In recognition of their sacrifices, we proudly offer Orioles Military Programs—a series of initiatives designed to support and celebrate our military community. These include the Sunday Military Suites Program, sponsored by RBR-Technologies, which provides memorable experiences for organizations that serve active-duty service members, veterans, their families, and other members of the military community, as well as an online ticket discount for current and former military members. To learn more, visit Orioles.com/Military.


National Anthem

To be considered to perform the national anthem at Oriole Park, we ask that all applicants submit an audition package. This submission should include a recording of the soloist or group performing "The Star-Spangled Banner" a cappella (without music). It should be a traditional rendition and be 1 minute and 30 seconds or less in length. Performers who wish to perform the Canadian anthem should also include a rendition of "O Canada" with their audition package.

Along with the recording(s), please include a resume and cover letter. This letter should include the following information:

  • Name of the soloist or group

  • Number of performers in the group -- due to logistical constraints, groups are generally limited to 30 people for singing groups and 15 people for instrumental groups

  • List of past performances for the soloist or group

  • General availability or specific date(s) of interest

  • Any special requirements (e.g., accessibility)

Soloist or Group's Contact Information:

  • Contact Name

  • Phone Number

  • Email Address

  • Mailing Address

  • List of references if available

Please email the above requirements along with your attached audition file to: perform@orioles.com.


Air horns, cowbells, and other noisemakers are prohibited in the ballpark.

Nursing Room

The Nursing Rooms at Oriole Park at Camden Yards provide a private, comfortable space for nursing parents. Equipped with seating, electrical outlets, TV monitors, and changing stations, these newly constructed rooms offer a clean and quiet environment for guests. The Nursing Rooms are located near Gate G. For access or assistance, please visit Guest Services.


Official Game

A game is considered official after 4½ innings have been completed, or five innings if the Orioles are trailing at the time. If a game is postponed prior to being an official game, details regarding rescheduling or refunds will be announced via Orioles social media channels and online at Orioles.com/Weather.

Oriole Advocates

The Oriole Advocates, Inc. is a unique nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting and stimulating interest in the game of baseball at both the amateur and professional levels since 1960. For more information, visit OrioleAdvocates.org.

Oriole Bird, Team Mascot

Since 1979, the Oriole Bird, also known as The Bird, has been entertaining fans of all ages at the park as well as making appearances throughout the region. The Bird, inducted to the National Mascot Hall of Fame in 2020, also interacts with fans on Twitter @OrioleBird.

Oriole Bird Seat Visits: The Oriole Bird can visit you while you are at the game. With a $90 donation to the Orioles Charitable Foundation, the Bird will bring a goody bag to your seat! Reservations must be placed at least 48 hours in advance by calling 888-848-BIRD. Space is limited and visits are booked on a first-come, first-served basis.

Orioles Insider

Orioles Insider is the official email newsletter of the Baltimore Orioles. Subscribers receive all the latest information regarding player news, schedules, exclusive ticket offers, merchandise, special events, and much more. To subscribe and for more information, please visit Orioles.com/Connect.

Orioles Legends Park

In 2012, the Orioles Legends Celebration Series unveiled a series of six larger-than-life bronze sculptures featuring the six greatest Orioles of all-time: Frank Robinson, Brooks Robinson, Earl Weaver, Jim Palmer, Eddie Murray, and Cal Ripken, Jr. Located in the Orioles Legends Park beyond the bullpens in center field, the sculptures were created by renowned Maryland sculptor Antonio Tobias "Toby" Mendez and were cast into bronze by Baltimore's New Arts Foundry. The sculptures range from seven to eight feet in scale and weigh between 600 and 1,500 pounds each.

O's Pay

O’s Pay is the new alternative payment method at Oriole Park at Camden Yards that’s quick, convenient, and rewarding! Use O’s Pay today through the MLB Ballpark app on the Orioles Team Page.

O’s Pay gives you the ability to make payments at all concession and retail locations throughout the ballpark.

Here’s how to access your O’s Pay:

  1. Log in to the MLB Ballpark App using your MLB.com email address and password.

  2. Tap the 'Teams' tab in the bottom right corner.

  3. Choose the Baltimore Orioles (this may already be selected).

  4. Scroll down to 'O’s Pay.'

  5. Tap 'O’s Pay.’

  6. From the home screen, add your credit card to your account.

  7. Open ‘QR Code Pay’ to scan at all POS terminals to apply your discount.

To learn more, please visit Orioles.com/OsPay.



Fans are strongly encouraged to purchase parking in advance. Oriole lots are permit-only.

Parking lots will open one hour before gates open for regular season games. Oriole Park is easily accessible via major highways. A very limited number of general parking spaces may be available on a day-of-game basis in Lots B/C ,F, G, and H, subject to availability, on a first-come, first-served basis. Fans are strongly encouraged to purchase parking in advance. Methods of payment will be limited to Mastercard, Visa, American Express, and Discover. Tailgating is not permitted on Orioles’ parking lots around the ballpark.

Over 30,000 spaces are off-site in garages and lots throughout downtown/Inner Harbor within one mile of Oriole Park. For directions to the park, additional information on parking, and details on equal access accommodations, please visit Orioles.com/Parking.

Party Facilities

Let us host a spectacular event at the ballpark for you and your guests. We can easily accommodate groups of 50 to 1,000 people. For rental of pregame and party facilities during Orioles games, please call the Party Facilities Hotline at 410-547-6284. Catering for all party events is provided by the Orioles’ preferred catering partners.

Peanut Allergy Options

A Peanut Allergy Suite is available for select games. This suite, located on the Oriole Park Club Level, will be cleaned thoroughly before each game and reserved specifically for those fans and their guests with a peanut allergy. Tickets are $50 per person and sold on a first-come, first-served basis, with a limit of six tickets per order. Due to high demand, games will be limited to one per group during the 2024 season.

While there is no area in the ballpark entirely free from the possibility of peanuts or peanut dust, this suite provides an environment best suited for those fans with allergies. All fans and/or their parents will be required to sign a release form upon purchasing tickets.

Picnic Perch

With the Picnic Perch, fans receive a Left Field Club Box seat (sections 272-288), access to the exclusive Club Level at Oriole Park, as well as unlimited hot dogs, salad, nachos, soda, and other select menu items. Visit Orioles.com/PicnicPerch for more information.


The Police Command Post is located on the Lower Level Concourse near home plate and is operational from the time the gates are open until after the game has ended.


During the postseason, game day policies will still be in effect. Please see the updated parking and gate times for all postseason games.

Private Suites

Oriole Park offers dozens of luxurious private suites in a variety of sizes. Catering for all private suites is provided by the Orioles’ preferred catering partners. For more information about renting a private suite during an Orioles game, call the Party Facilities Hotline at 410-547-6284 or visit Orioles.com/Suites.

Promotions Policy

Orioles gate giveaways will be distributed at the point of entry beginning when gates open until supplies last. One promotional item per ticketed fan and ticket holder must be present to receive the item. For all gate giveaways, the item will be distributed at the point of entry beginning when gates open until supplies last.

It is impossible for the Orioles to ensure all entry Gates run out of giveaway items at the same time. We encourage fans to arrive early. Once in the stadium, fans are not permitted to go to another gate to receive a giveaway.

All guests must meet the age qualifications for age-sensitive items to be eligible to receive an item (e.g., 21 & older, or kids 14 & under). To receive an age-sensitive item, the guest must be in attendance and will only be eligible to receive one giveaway item.

For all jersey and t-shirt giveaways, sizes will be Adult M and XL.

Please be sure to obtain your item upon entering the stadium and before leaving the distribution area. The Orioles are not responsible for lost or stolen items. Lost or stolen items will not be replaced.

The Baltimore Orioles retain the right to change this policy without notice.

Public Transportation

Oriole Park is easily reached via public transportation. The Maryland Transit Administration provides light rail, bus, MARC train, and subway service to Camden Yards on a daily basis. For the most up-to-date information, please contact the MTA at 866-RIDE-MTA or online at mtamaryland.com.


Radio Broadcasts

The Orioles can be heard in Baltimore on our flagship stations 98 Rock FM and WBAL NewsRadio AM/FM, as well as across the Orioles Radio Network, which is comprised of more than 30 stations around the region. The Orioles Radio Network includes stations in Maryland, Washington, D.C., Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia, Delaware, and North Carolina. For a complete list of affiliates, visit Orioles.com/Radio.


The Orioles will make every effort possible to play, but if a game is officially postponed due to rain, tickets for that game will be considered rain checks. Rainout policies vary based on the situation. A policy will be announced after the game is officially postponed. Any game suspended after five innings (or 4 ½ innings if the Orioles are ahead) is considered a complete game. Suspended game tickets cannot be exchanged. Complimentary tickets ($0.00 value) are not exchangeable.

Re-Entry Policy

Fans will not be permitted to re-enter the ballpark once they leave. Re-entry permission is only allowed in an emergency situation and can be granted by the Director of Ballpark Operations or the Manager of Event Operations. Fans requesting to leave the ballpark with re-entry permission should be directed to the Guest Services Center located behind home plate, where one of the above-mentioned individuals will be contacted for authorization.


Spacious restrooms are located on all levels throughout the ballpark. Changing tables are available in most men's and women's restrooms. Family restrooms are located next to the First Aid rooms behind home plate on the Lower Level and Upper Level Concourses.

Reverse ATM

There is a "Reverse ATM" machine that can exchange cash to card for use at concession and merchandise stands. The machine is located on the Lower Level Concourse adjacent to First Aid, near Gate D.

Coors Light Roof Deck

Overlooking the playing field on top of the batter’s eye wall in center field, the Coors Light Roof Deck is open to all ballpark patrons and offers a bird’s eye view of Camden Yards, overlooking both the field and Eutaw Street. The Coors Light Roof Deck features two rows of reserved seats facing the field, high top tables, bar seating, and a full-service bar.


Sarasota 365

The Orioles year-round partnership with Sarasota County is highlighted by the club’s Sarasota 365 program, which promotes community and charitable involvement in Sarasota 365 days a year. Fans can receive information on all of the Orioles’ activities in Sarasota and sign up for an online quarterly newsletter at Orioles.com/Sarasota.

Season Tickets

See Birdland Memberships.

Scoreboard Surprises

Fans may recognize a special person's birthday or anniversary on Oriole Park’s center field video board. Please visit Orioles.com/Scoreboard.

Security Procedures – Ballpark Entry

Oriole Park at Camden Yards, in conjunction with Major League Baseball, has established the following security procedures for entrance into the ballpark:

  • Metal detectors are present at all Oriole Park entrances.
  • No containers or unauthorized items can be left at any park entrance. Fans will be asked to return such items to their vehicle.
  • Weapons of any kind are prohibited in the ballpark.
  • Air horns, cowbells, and other noisemakers are prohibited.
  • Brooms and camera stands, such as tripods, are prohibited in the ballpark.
  • Once you enter the ballpark, you will not be permitted to leave and re-enter the facility. Please make sure you have everything you need with you before entering the ballpark.
  • Only vehicles dropping off or picking up guests with disabilities are permitted to stop curbside at the ballpark in designated drop-off areas. No other vehicles are permitted curbside, nor will people be able to stand and wait with their vehicles.

Security Procedures – In Park

If you see a problem or need assistance while at the ballpark, you can easily and discreetly contact Oriole Park Security or an Event Staff Supervisor by texting 410-873-9900. Msg & Data rates may apply.

Trespassing on to the field at Oriole Park at Camden Yards is prohibited, and violators will be arrested, charged, and forbidden from returning in the future.

Smoking Policy

Oriole Park at Camden Yards is a smoke-free facility. Smoking is prohibited anywhere inside the gates of Oriole Park, including electronic and smokeless cigarettes, vaping instruments, or any device that mimics the act of smoking.

Sensory Room and Bags

The Orioles have partnered with Kulture City to enhance our ability to assist and accommodate guests with sensory needs. The new certified Sensory Room is located near Gate F, behind Section 78 to create a safe environment for guests with sensory needs so they can take a break from an event, decompress and enjoy the game again. The room is equipped with appropriate lighting, objects, and sensory tools to assist an individual feel calmer when overwhelmed. The room is for all ages and abilities. Only one family can use the room at one time and is permitted to use the room for 15 minutes. Guests must check in with the Guest Services kiosk outside the room to sign in.

Sensory Bags are equipped with KCVIP badges, feeling thermometer, fidget tools, and noise cancelling headphones. Sensory bags are available for checkout (at no cost by leaving an ID) at our Guest Services Kiosks.

Storage Lockers

See Bag Policy.


Strollers are permitted inside Oriole Park at Camden Yards. Stroller parking is available at Gates C and G.



Tailgating is not permitted on Orioles’ parking lots around the ballpark.

Team Stores

Oriole Park features a number of novelty stands located throughout the ballpark for your Orioles souvenir shopping convenience. Additionally, the Orioles Team Store, located on the first floor of the Warehouse near Gate H, is open during all home games.

Television Broadcasts

Orioles games are televised exclusively by the Mid-Atlantic Sports Network in crystal clear, high-definition format on one of the network’s two channels, MASN and MASN2. Viewers in Maryland, the District of Columbia, Virginia, West Virginia, Delaware, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania can find their MASN and MASN2 channel numbers by visiting MASNsports.com.

The Home Plate Club

The Home Plate Club is Oriole Park at Camden Yards' most upscale dining and baseball experience, featuring the best seats behind home plate located on the Club Level, and offers a unique rotating menu of composed dishes with gourmet twists on classic ballpark fare.

Learn More »

Ticket Grants

The Commissioner's Community Initiative aims to create opportunities for individuals who may not typically have access to experience a Major League Baseball game. This includes children and families supported by nonprofit organizations, civic and community groups, and other deserving organizations that serve individuals facing financial or other barriers. Eligible groups include 501(c)(3) and groups serving individuals who, for various reasons, do not have the resources to attend a game independently. To request complimentary tickets, please visit Orioles.com/TicketGrants.


Tickets for regular season home games can be purchased online at the Orioles Ticket Marketplace at Orioles.com/Tickets. Children two years of age and younger do not require a ticket. Contactless digital tickets are required at Oriole Park. Tickets should be saved on your mobile device through the MLB Ballpark app prior to entry.

T. Rowe Price Sign

In July of 2024, a T. Rowe Price sign was installed atop the centerfield scoreboard, an additional element to the marquee partnership between the Orioles and TRP that also includes the first-ever Orioles jersey patch.

The sign sits 171.2 feet above the field and measures in at 888 square feet – 76 feet 5 inches wide and 20 feet 8 inches tall – and weighs 5,700 pounds (2.85 tons). The tallest letter, R, measures 6 feet 9 inches with Trusty coming in at 17 feet 7 inches. The sign is made up of more than 5,000 LED lights with countless color variations.



Fans may bring umbrellas into the ballpark as long as they do not interfere with other fans’ view and enjoyment of the game. The Orioles reserve the right to restrict the use of and possibly confiscate all rain protection devices.



The landmark B & O Warehouse, beyond right field, is the longest building east of the Mississippi River at 1,116 feet (but only 51 feet wide). The eight-story building provides unique office space for the Orioles and other tenants, including MASN and the Maryland Stadium Authority. A 432-foot home run drive will reach the Warehouse if it hugs the right field line.

Wheelchair Service

A limited number of wheelchairs are available at the Guest Services Kiosk behind home plate and at the Concierge Desk on the Club Level first-come, first-served. This service, courtesy of Bay View Homecare, is welcome to all fans and should be used for transportation purposes. Wheelchairs cannot be signed out for the entire game. Due to the limited number of wheelchairs, they may only be used to transport an individual to their seat and should not be used outside the gates to transport an individual to their vehicle.


OPACY now features a state-of-the-art, high density WiFi system that allows fans to quickly connect to the internet. This service is free to all fans. For an enhanced game day experience, be sure to download the MLB Ballpark smartphone app from your app store. In addition, the ballpark’s cellular network supports multiple carriers, including Verizon, AT&T and T-Mobile.

Will Call

All tickets are digital this season through the MLB Ballpark app. There is no Will Call available in 2024.