Please adhere to the following guidelines so that all fans may enjoy their experience at Rate Field.
Entrance Security Policies
In an effort to ensure the safety of all, guests entering Rate Field will enter through upright metal detectors and all carry-in items will be searched. To allow for these security measures, guests are encouraged to arrive at the ballpark early. Our gates open 90 minutes prior to the first pitch (Opening Day the gates open 2 hours prior to first pitch).
Here are some helpful hints to allow for easier access into the ballpark:
- When approaching the walk-through metal detectors, please remove cell phones, cameras, tablets, laptops and other large metal objects. Please do not remove any jackets, belts, coins, wallets, watches, or other objects of similar size. It is illegal for anyone to enter or attempt to enter the ballpark with a firearm, regardless of permit.
- For the comfort and security of all our guests, we do not allow fans to enter Rate Field with hazardous or disruptive items. Samples of items that are not permitted into the ballpark include selfie sticks, boom boxes, inflatable balls, Frisbees, laser pointers, fireworks, footballs and weapons of any kind.
- Please adhere to the guidelines so that all fans may enjoy their experience at Rate Field.
Restricted Items
- Weapons of any type, including pepper spray. It is illegal for anyone to enter or attempt to enter the ballpark with a firearm, regardless of permit.
- No backpacks and other bags not included in the Bag Policy. Details about the Bag Policy are available in the Ballpark A-Z Guide.
- Selfie Sticks
- Aerosol Spray cans including hair spray, sunscreen etc.
- Bottles, cans, hard-sided coolers or any type of alcohol beverage.
- Guests may not use any tobacco products inside the ballpark. Pursuant to the Smoke-Free Illinois Act and City of Chicago Ordinance, the use of cigarettes, electronic cigarettes and chewing tobacco are prohibited.
- Per MLB policy, drones are strictly prohibited on Rate Field and White Sox property.
Permitted Items
You may:
- Carry in food in a clear food storage bag no larger than 1 gallon.
- Carry in one factory-sealed plastic bottle of pure water no larger than one liter in size.
- Use small, compact umbrellas. When opened, they may not obstruct the view of other guests. Golf size umbrellas are not permitted into the ballpark.
- Enter with a stroller, umbrella size strollers are suggested.
Text Your Concerns to Security Line (773-754-4357)
If a guest experiences difficulties with other guest(s) in the ballpark or needs assistance for any other issue (medical, security, etc.), they are encouraged to use their mobile phone to anonymously text your concerns to 773-754-4357. A reply message will be sent to your phone by our Command Center personnel and the appropriate staff member will be dispatched to the location as needed. Standard text messaging rates may apply.
Fan Code of Conduct
Major League Baseball and the Chicago White Sox are committed to creating a safe, inclusive and enjoyable fan experience at Rate Field. The use of offensive language or display in gestures towards another person's race, ethnicity, gender, religion, disability, sexual orientation or national origin by any fan, toward another person, is unacceptable and inconsistent with the spirit of the game. Any person that engages in any unruly behavior, including obscene gestures, derogatory, vulgar, biased or abusive language, including betting related speech and behavior, directed at guests, venue personnel, players, umpires, officials, or anyone else will be subject to ejection from the ballpark.
Intervention with an impaired or intoxicated Guest will be handled in a prompt and safe manner.
Our Guests' experience will not be disrupted by unruly actions or behavior of others, including unauthorized persons entering the playing field, or throwing any object, including baseballs onto the field.
Guests will show their tickets when requested and sit only in their ticketed seats.
Guests should refrain from wearing indecent clothing or otherwise detracts from the experience of other guests.
The use of any tobacco products of any kind (smoking electronic cigarettes and smokeless tobacco) is strictly prohibited in Rate Field pursuant to the Smoke-Free Illinois Act 95-0017.
Per MLB policy, drones are strictly prohibited on Rate Field and White Sox property, including parking lots.
Anyone not adhering to our polices is subject to ejection from the park or arrest.
Universal Ground Rules
For a list of Universal Ground Rules, please visit the Ground Rules page.