Jansen adds record label exec to list of accomplishments

June 20th, 2024

Red Sox closer has been really good at his day job for more than a decade, but that doesn't mean he can't make room for a side gig.

How does Kenley Jansen, record label executive, sound?

Jansen recently announced the formation of KJ74 Entertainment, a label he created to bring the musical sounds of the ABC Islands, including his native Curaçao, to a worldwide audience.

Through the label, Jansen hopes the diverse musical talents of the islands' artists will gain wider appeal.

"I have been running a music label in Curaçao for the past four years, and I see the incredible potential in the cultural fusion and distinct sounds of our region," Jansen said. "It is my passion to showcase the talent from my home country and our neighboring sister islands to the world."

The artist Rafik is one of the first musicians to join Kenley Jansen's label. (Credit: KJ74 Entertainment)

Among the initial artists to join the label is Rafik, a musician of Lebanese and Colombian descent and a native of Curaçao. Rafik will release his first single, "Tukun," on the KJ74 label. Others artists who will join the label include Omar Pierce and Amos of Icons Curaçao.

Jansen, a four-time All-Star now in his 15th season, is 2-1 with 13 saves and a 2.59 ERA for the Red Sox this year. He's also tied with Baltimore's Craig Kimbrel for MLB's active lead in saves, having recorded 433 since his debut with the Dodgers in 2010.