End Racism

End Racism

How We Can All Get Involved

The Minnesota Twins believe in promoting positivity, unity, and uplifting our community 365 days of the year. We condemn violence and racism of all kinds. We also believe we all have a role in working towards racial, gender and social justice.

The pandemic has created a spotlight on social inequities in our communities. Amid this public health crisis, we witnessed the unjust death of our community member, George Floyd, that inspired a worldwide movement. Our home is the epicenter for change. Real change is necessary and far overdue in our country, and it is our responsibility to continue playing a role in efforts to affect meaningful reform. We stand in solidary with communities of color and, as full partners with others in the Twin Cities and beyond, we are committed to creating the change we want to see in the world – where everyone is protected, safe and welcome. There is no place for racism, inequality or injustice in our society.

Today, and every day, we are working to end racism.

- The Minnesota Twins

Educate yourself about social justice issues.

The best way to start is to familiarize yourself with social justice issues around you. Research what is being done about these issues. Researching allows you to gain a better understanding of an issue’s current state. If you have questions, seek someone to ask.

Examine your personal beliefs and habits.

We all have our own beliefs. Positive action toward inclusion and advocacy begins at home. Becoming a strong ally in a social justice movement requires ongoing self-reflection, learning, and openness to growth.

Discover your local organizations.

Many advocacy groups for social justice have local chapters. To build connections and get involved, seek out organizers and activist groups in your community. Search online for these powerful groups near you. Take positive action in your own community.

Support minority-owned businesses in your community and online.

As a consumer, you have the power to affect social justice change with every dollar you spend. Try supporting local businesses that advocate for change and pay close attention to smaller, minority-owned companies.

Support artists, writers, and activists who speak out against injustices.

You can help artists and social justice issues be heard and seen. Something as simple as a like or follow on social media can increase the number of people who see their content.

Be kind, understanding, and compassionate.

These are trying times during the COVID-19 pandemic. We can forget that we are all in this together. When you feel stressed around other people, consider their circumstances and what they may be facing. Social justice begins with you.