Chevron Texas Rangers Baseball Foundation Community Grants

The Texas Rangers Baseball Foundation and Chevron are partnering to support non-profit organizations, schools, or municipalities that provide meaningful support to children ages 18 and under through programming in areas such as educational curriculum, afterschool programming, or youth sports. The grants are meant to enhance the impact and support provided through these organizations. Grants are limited to organizations that support children in the Midland/Odessa area.

Grant Process

All grant proposals will be reviewed by Texas Rangers Baseball Foundation staff and by the Texas Rangers Baseball Foundation Board of Directors. There is one grant cycle annually.


  • Grants will only be awarded to eligible organizations that operate in Midland/Odessa area.
  • Grants will not be made to individuals, churches, or to national organizations that do not have local financially independent chapters.
  • Grants will not be made for political campaigns or fundraising events, including the purchase of tables, tickets, or advertisements.
  • This grant program does not fund multi-year grants.
  • Funding is limited to organizations supporting children ages 18 and under. However, grant is not intended to support travel expenses and tournament fees.
  • Recipient understands and accepts responsibility to participate in public relations activities associated with receipt of grant.


  • Grant proposals must be received by Friday August 16, 2024.
  • Grant Recipients Announced: September 2024 (TBD)


  • Provide support to children ages 18 and under through programming such as educational curriculum, afterschool programming, or youth sports.
  • Operate within the Midland/Odessa Area.
  • Be designated as 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization as defined by the Internal Revenue code.