Find up-to-date information on public transit and traffic conditions below. Please note that transportation alerts will be posted on this and other pages within this section whenever necessary.
Stay up-to-date on transit conditions
Find information on how things are moving from all of our public transit partners below.SFMTA/Muni
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SF Bay Ferry
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Golden Gate Ferry
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AC Transit Transbay Bus
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The Latest Traffic Conditions
The Giants are collaborating with Waze to keep you in the know about traffic issues, point you directly to parking lot entrances in the Waze app, and harness the power of the Giants community to inform each other about congestion.Mission Rock Construction & Lot A/Pier 48 Parking
Construction is almost complete on Phase I of the Mission Rock project, which is transforming the northern half of Lot A into a new mixed-use neighborhood. There is still ample parking available in Lot A/Pier 48, but please note that fans are required to reserve parking in advance on SpotHero. Learn more about the location of ADA-accessible parking and our Accessibility Shuttle on the Accessible Transportation page.
Getting to Oracle Park