A New Way to Play on Game Days at Yankee Stadium - New York Yankees 50/50 Raffle - 50% to Winner, 50% to Charity

New York Yankees Foundation 50/50 Raffle Winners

Please see below for a list of winning ticket information from past games.

Winning ticket? Please email [email protected] to obtain prize verification instructions and required paperwork.

GameWinning Ticket
October 30 vs. DodgersWC-3309530
October 29 vs. DodgersWB-8846385
October 28 vs. DodgersWA-7668950
October 15 vs. GuardiansCB-2568466
October 14 vs. GuardiansCA-6897094
October 7 vs. RoyalsDB-3156139
October 5DA-9321414
September 29 vs. PiratesZZ-4920466
September 28 vs. PiratesZ-5866474
September 27 vs. PiratesY-9531325
September 26 vs. OriolesX-4344571
September 25 vs. OriolesW-4092288
September 24 vs. OriolesV-2178811
September 15 vs. Red SoxU-7059541
September 14 vs. Red SoxT-6242941
September 13 vs. Red SoxS-9396803
September 12 vs. Red SoxR-6055483
September 11 vs. RoyalsQ-2094633
September 10 vs. RoyalsP-2934511
September 9 vs. RoyalsO-6686331
September 1 vs. CardinalsN-1001644
August 31 vs. CardinalsM-8083563
August 30 vs. CardinalsL-7961427
August 25 vs. RockiesK-8587682
August 24 vs. RockiesJ-1652507
August 23 vs. RockiesI-9484792
August 22 vs. GuardiansH-5850170
August 21 vs. GuardiansG-9339886
August 20 vs. GuardiansF-1687710
August 11 vs. RangersE-2489132
August 10 vs. RangersD-2135585
August 8 vs. AngelsC-2755985
August 7 vs. AngelsB-3881175
August 4 vs. Blue JaysA-5695018
August 3 vs. Blue JaysZZ-1716019
August 2 vs. Blue JaysYY-9744292
July 24 vs. MetsXX-7607728
July 23 vs. MetsWW-5213373
July 22 vs. RaysVV-4252051
July 21 vs. RaysUU-6661862
July 20 vs. RaysTT-7915116
July 19 vs. RaysSS-5048635
July 7 vs. Red SoxRR-2084008
July 6 vs. Red SoxQQ-8595040
July 5 vs. Red SoxPP-9746475
July 4 vs. RedsOO-4875484
July 3 vs. RedsNN-4182254
July 2 vs. RedsMM-4955064
June 23 vs. BravesLL-8811559
June 22 vs. BravesKK-8220828
June 21 vs. BravesJJ-9872563
June 20 vs. OriolesII-9763664
June 19 vs. OriolesHH-4870224
June 18 vs. OriolesGG-7564768
June 9 vs. DodgersFF-5380224
June 8 vs. DodgersEE-4807850
June 7 vs. DodgersDD-7078404
June 6 vs. TwinsCC-3155167
June 5 vs. TwinsBB-1656479
June 4 vs. TwinsAA-7408412
May 23 vs. MarinersZ-2462274
May 22 vs. MarinersY-2272541
May 21 vs. MarinersX-6416810
May 20 vs. MarinersW-6426614
May 19 vs. White SoxV-7821467
May 18 vs. White SoxU-4175604
May 17 vs. White SoxT-2622149
May 9 vs. AstrosS-3227737
May 8 vs. AstrosR-4408849
May 7 vs. AstrosQ-4733352
May 5 vs. TigersP-9760470
May 4 vs. TigersO-2085181
May 3 vs. TigersN-1403284
April 25 vs. AthleticsM-9107972
April 24 vs. AthleticsL-8825459
April 23 vs. AthleticsK-6946527
April 22 vs. AthleticsJ-1208132
April 21 vs. RaysI-1936998
April 20 vs. RaysH-3071359
April 19 vs. RaysG-4880955
April 10 vs. MarlinsF-7183689
April 9 vs. MarlinsE-4828729
April 8 vs. MarlinsD-4865635
April 7 vs. Blue JaysC-1369504
April 6 vs. Blue JaysB-5650524
April 5 vs. Blue JaysA-9470576

You must submit your claim within 30 days of the drawing date. Your purchased raffle ticket is the only valid receipt for claiming a prize. Winner need not be present at Yankee Stadium to win.

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