TrueSport: Quarantine Tips

Communicating about COVID-19: How to keep kids calm and accountable

As a parent during these uncertain and difficult times, the correct way to talk to your kids about COVID-19 might feel like walking a tight rope. How much should you share? How do you talk about school closures? How do you explain the importance of social distancing and CDC guidelines without terrifying them? Essentially, how do you keep kids both calm AND accountable?

There is no single script that works in these situations, but there are some general principles for communication to make sure kids feel safe and understand their part to play in the current crisis.

Use this as an opportunity

Particularly with young children, it’s tempting to hide the real reason behind canceled classes, sports, and playdates. However, board-certified family physician and TrueSport Expert Deborah Gilboa, MD, who specializes in youth development and resilience, is quick to remind parents that this grave time can also be an amazing opportunity to help our kids navigate the real world, rather than trying to protect them from reality.

"This is an opportunity to help our kids start to build the skills they will need the next time that upheaval and uncertainty comes to them," Gilboa says. “Outside of global crisis, upheaval and uncertainty can come to kids when you need to move, or you get unexpectedly fired, or there's a divorce."

She adds that it’s important to be developmentally appropriate: Transparency is important, but you don't have to be completely honest. Telling a five-year-old about the current death toll or going over the epidemiology of viral replication doesn’t help, and it’s probably more appropriate to explain that there’s a virus making a lot of people sick so we have to start taking action, which may mean manageable things like staying at home and washing hands more.

Understand your role

Gilboa also explains that your job is to comfort kids and make them feel safe, which may seem difficult when anxiety threatens to overwhelm you. “You should not assume that kids are a safe place for all of your emotions,” Gilboa says. Try to find a balance where you share your emotions while being aware that your children are looking to you to be the strong one.

You don’t have to have all the answers either. Gilboa adds that it’s important to be a resource for kids but remain honest and be willing to say ‘I don’t know’ when asked a tough question. "Letting kids see when things aren't good is actually a positive,” she adds, “As long as you're still there for them."

Activity: Create coping mechanisms

Gilboa recommends sitting down as a family to create a list of coping mechanisms for this current crisis and for future times of upheaval. Follow the steps:

  1. As a family, make a giant list of every coping mechanism that you use, from binge-watching TV to going out for a run. Make the list as extensive as possible, including both healthy and unhealthy strategies.
  2. Next, scratch out the coping mechanisms that are damaging to yourself or to someone else. You can keep the neutral items, like binge-watching TV, since that’s unlikely to harm anyone. As a family, you might need to debate what’s acceptable to everyone and when various mechanisms can be applied. No two family’s lists will look alike!
  3. Copy that new list over to a clean sheet of paper: This is your list of neutral and positive coping mechanisms. (Save this list, since you can use it when a different crisis arises.
  4. Lastly, for this crisis, look at the list and make a new one of all the coping mechanisms that you can use now. Things like shopping or getting dinner with a friend will get crossed off for now. Keep this final list where everyone can see it so that coping strategies are top of mind.

Add context

For most kids -- even teenagers who you assume understand the gravity of the current situation -- it’s hard to see beyond their own lives. So, you may need to put things in context for them.

Gilboa explains, “Keep coming back to a value that you want to teach to your kid. If you have an inquisitive six-year-old and he asks how many people are dead, you can say, ‘A lot. And it's important for us to know what we can do to try and keep that number down as best as we can.’”

“If your high schooler asks the same question, you might say, ‘Sweetheart, as of this morning, 37,000 people have died of this virus. I understand that you want to see your friends and that feels really compelling to you. Can you see why it doesn't feel as compelling to me?’”

Check for misinformation

“When a tough topic comes up, start by doing what every second-grade spelling teacher does: Give a pretest,” says Gilboa. “You can ask, 'What have you heard? What do you know?’”

This helps inform how much you need to tell kids and what perceptions you may need to correct based on what they’ve overheard or misunderstood. “Kids tend to assume that they are the reason for everything: 'I didn't wash my hands so the whole world is dying,’” she adds. Use reputable sources for your own information, like the CDC or WHO, and don’t exaggerate what your child can to do to keep themselves and others safe.

Lead with empathy

You might find yourself frustrated when your child is angry or devastated about a game or party getting canceled. To you, it’s not a big deal, but remember that your child probably doesn’t understand the scope of what’s happening in the world. "Especially with young athletes, for these events that they're training for to be canceled is very disappointing,” says Nadia Kyba, MSW, TrueSport Expert and President of Now What Facilitation.

"And yes, it’s not life and death, but they're grieving something that's not going to happen for them and they're dealing with a loss. Your role is to show empathy. When you don't legitimize people's feelings when they experience disappointment, then it just leads them to feel shame. To show empathy, try telling them about a time that something you wanted to do was canceled or you faced a similar disappointment.”

Activity: Communicate with empathy

Struggling to communicate with empathy? Kyba has a list of steps and statements to help you support someone’s grief through empathy while also empowering them to look for their own realistic solutions to move forward.

Start with an empathy statement:

I understand how you feel.

You must feel so hopeless.

You’re in a tough spot here.

I can feel the pain you feel.

I wish you didn’t have to go through that.

No wonder you are upset.

Then a statement that aligns you with them:

I am on your side here.

Once they are ready, ask open ended questions to help them move forward and problem solve:

Tell me more…

What next…?

What do you see as your options?

What I am hearing you say…

What am I missing?

What are you thinking…?

Don’t overshare stressful details

If you’re a family who regularly talks about finances, then you can talk to your kids about the impact COVID-19 is having on the household, says Kyba. But if sharing that information isn’t the norm, tread carefully with those topics, since kids will soak up your feelings and anxieties.

In general, “It is good to share enough emotion that kids feel a connection and understand you’re going through the same things as them, but not so much truth that it's terrifying for them," explain Kyba.

Activity: F.I.G.H.T. COVID-19

TrueSport Expert Kevin Chapman, a licensed clinical psychologist and founder of the Kentucky Center for Anxiety and Related Disorders, recommends teaching your child to F.I.G.H.T. COVID-19. Here’s how:

F: Focus on what you can control right now. "It's really important to recognize that there's a lot of uncertainty and it's normal to be anxious right now,” Chapman says. "But what can I do? What can I control? I can control my behavior. I can follow health guidelines, but I can also still connect with friends online and so focus on what I can do.”

I: Identify negative thoughts. “Negative thoughts are normal, but if I'm thinking only negative thoughts about what's happening, that's what feeds the anxiety and makes the uncertainty even more uncomfortable,” he explains. "So, I need to identify those thoughts that I'm having that perpetuate these emotional cycles.”

G: Generate alternative thoughts. "These thoughts don't necessarily need to be positive, it's just about being flexible,” Chapman explains. "Can I entertain different possibilities? Can I say, ‘Yes, it could last longer than I'd like and that kind of stinks. Yes. But it could be that I'm going to make even more memories when things move on. It could be that I can still have fun with my friends.’"

H: Highly adaptive behaviors. “What are the things I can do to not only help other people, but to also stimulate my endorphins?” Chapman asks. "Can I exercise with fitness apps with my friends? Can I have a movie night over FaceTime with friends?”

T: Teach someone else to do the same thing. "We're all in this together. And I think that it's essential to teach other people to use these same coping strategies,” he concludes.


Communicating with kids about COVID-19 and other stressful situations is not an easy task, but with empathy, honesty, and careful information sharing, you can help your young athlete or student feel safe and act responsibly. With the communication and coping exercises, you can also help your family deal with crisis together.

Video: Coping with Quarantine Life




Modeling anxiety

Missed moments



Message to elite athletes

Staying positive

Following social distancing

Handling frustration


Criticizing kids

Coping mechanisms

Screen time in a pandemic

Screen time boundaries

Practicing optimism

Parent roles

Being your child's friend

Kids and quarantine

Keeping kids active and healthy during quarantine

Keeping kids active and healthy during quarantine

In these uncertain times, parents of student athletes are tasked not just with keeping kids safe and educated, but also with taking care of their physical and mental wellness. For coaches, this time is a crossroads: You can either leave athletes to their own devices, or you can help them prepare to come back stronger than ever when the time comes.

Whether you’re a coach or a parent, keeping kids active and healthy is of the utmost importance during stressful and confined circumstances, especially when athletes are used to full school and training schedules. Here are some ways to keep your young athletes healthy and happy during quarantine.

Talk to your athletes

Whether you get on a Google Hangout, Zoom conference call, or just a group email chain, staying in touch with your athletes is important in situations like this. Coaches have an opportunity to be true leaders by keeping athletes’ sense of connection, morale, and self-identity high. A weekly team meeting is a good place to start.

Another way to create healthy connection is by starting a “leaderboard” in Google Sheets for the players to record drills they’ve done, mobility exercises accomplished, minutes spent meditating, and any other healthy activities that you assign.

Thomas Cooke, a soccer and Nordic skiing coach in Park City, Utah, says that his team has started a Google Sheets leaderboard and “challenged every player to get 2,000+ touches a day, with a breakdown of individual drills and games.” He adds that the key is to keep it fun and game-like.

Parents and coaches can stay in touch too! Parents, ask coaches for specific drills and suggestions where applicable, and coaches, consider sending a list of specific recommendations to parents.

Be empathetic

These are emotionally trying times, as sports and events are canceled that athletes have been working toward and looking forward to for months or even years.

“Above all else, it is prudent for parents to show empathy,” says Nadia Kyba, MSW, TrueSport Expert, and President of Now What Facilitation. “This means trying to make a connection to the emotions that your youth athletes are feeling. If you are a parent, think of a time that you have felt a similar emotion and go there.”

While you’ve never experienced this exact situation, you’ve surely experienced a time when an event you were looking forward to was canceled, as well as times of turmoil and uncertainty. Share those experiences with your athlete now, whether you’re a parent or a coach.

Encourage your athletes to stay in touch with teammates

Teamwork and a team culture aren’t things that just happen on the field: They should be nurtured throughout the year, and now more than ever, athletes need their communities. FaceTime allows up to 31 users in a shared session, and apps like Google Hangouts and Zoom have free options for athletes to stay in touch as well.

TrueSport Expert Kevin Chapman, a licensed clinical psychologist and founder of the

Kentucky Center for Anxiety and Related Disorders, notes that at times like these, contact with teammates is essential for mental wellness. “Try to utilize technology as much as possible. Make sure your athlete is staying in touch with teammates and maybe doing some workouts together virtually,” he recommends.

Keep them moving inside

When kids are inside most of the day, a sedentary lifestyle becomes a problem. But research has shown that just 30 minutes of any type of movement per day can help mitigate the effects of sitting most of the day. That could mean 10 minutes of yoga in the morning, plyometrics in the yard in the afternoon, a session on a stationary bike or any other aerobic equipment, or even some deep cleaning of the basement, attic, or garage.

Work on mental skills

Between practices, games, and workouts, it’s normally rare for coaches to have the chance to focus on mental skills with athletes. Use this as a chance to revisit some of the mental aspects of sport, from visualization drills to reviewing old footage of games to establishing meditation practices.

“Practicing visualization has been shown to be a powerful tool, but most coaches don’t utilize it with younger athletes,” Chapman says. “This is a great chance to work on that mental strategy.” He’s also a fan of the Headspace app for learning how to meditate and recommends it to athletes regularly.

Find some online resources for your athletes

Right now, there are thousands of free videos for yoga, mobility, strength, and even sport-specific skill building that can be done at home with minimal equipment. Cooke notes that his soccer players are using videos for “1-player, 1-ball” drills that can be done inside in very tight spaces. There are also plenty of home-bound experts, from sports psychologists to registered dietitians, who would be happy to host video chat information sessions or question-and-answer sessions for students.

Give athletes “healthy living” and “continuing ed” assignments

It’s easy in times like this to allow your student athletes to retreat to their computers or couches to binge-watch TV, but you can help your athlete make the most of this extra screen time. This may mean finding healthy recipes online, or even doing some long-term athlete development by reading books about training and their specific sport.

“Donovan Mitchell, who plays for the Utah Jazz and was diagnosed with COVID-19, is passing time streaming games and playing with teammates, but he’s also going back and watching his own highlights and watching his progression to learn from that,” Chapman adds.

Limit COVID-19 screen time

“It’s so important to limit how much screen time athletes have as it relates to COVID-19,” says Chapman. “It’s easy to spend hours and hours reading social media and news coverage about it, but that’s going to increase anxiety. Kids can stay informed, of course, but shouldn’t be spending the entire day online.”

And while it may be difficult right now to cut back on screen time in general, studies suggest that more than two hours of screen time can be detrimental to a child’s development, so find a healthy limit.

Keep them moving outside

Depending on where you live, there may be regulations around getting outside for exercise. If there aren’t, make sure that your athlete spends time in nature running, hiking, cycling, or walking.

Kids can also practice sport-specific drills in the backyard, or even step back from a specific sport by playing fun games like croquet, darts, volleyball, and badminton. A vigorous game of badminton or volleyball helps develop footwork and object control that can support skill development in a variety of other sports, explains Michele LaBotz, TrueSport Expert and sports medicine specialist.

Establish routines

Bedtime may not seem as important when there’s no school to wake up for in the morning, but continuing with a regular routine will be better for your athlete’s health. “It’s important to maintain a routine and set a schedule every day,” says Kyba. “Kids thrive under these conditions. For athletes in particular, routine is their normal. The worst thing that can happen is to let days slide by, leaving kids on their phones and without goals to work toward.”

TrueSport Expert Kristen Ziesmer, a registered dietitian and board-certified specialist in sports dietetics, suggests having your kids help with simple kitchen chores like doing the dishes, cutting up fruits and vegetables, washing produce, putting dishes away, planning out meals and shopping lists, and helping to prepare breakfast, lunch, and snacks.

Avoid boredom snacking

With lots of free time, everyone is tempted to fill the void with food, even when they aren’t hungry or the food isn’t healthy. To prevent boredom snacking, Ziesmer recommends that kids:

  1. Ask themselves if they would eat celery or a less desirable food. If the answer is no, then they should leave the kitchen empty handed.

  2. Assess hunger with a 1-10 scale. On the scale, 1= hangry, 3= hungry/ready to eat, 5= satisfied, 7= full, 10= way overfull. If you’re above a 4, then you need to find something else to do.

  3. Do an activity that requires hands and concentration, such as art, knitting, or building something.

Parents should also limit the amount of junk food in the house and the amount of TV binging, which is when mindless eating often occurs.

Catch up on sleep

In October 2019, the American Academy of Pediatrics released research showing that nearly half of children in the U.S. aren’t getting enough sleep. The researchers noted that a chronic lack of sleep for adolescents is associated with “physical and mental health consequences, including increased risk of depression and obesity and negative effects on mood, attention, and academic performance.” Use this time to allow your athlete to catch up on sleep and establish healthier habits now.



While this is a time of uncertainty and tough circumstances, there are still many ways to care for your athlete’s physical and mental wellness, and there are even some new opportunities to take advantage of during these less structured times. Remember to also help your athletes take a few moments throughout the day to be mindful of what’s happening in the moment and to take note of the things they can be grateful for.

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TrueSport®, a movement powered by the experience and values of the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency, champions the positive values and life lessons learned through youth sport. TrueSport inspires athletes, coaches, parents and administrators to change the culture of youth sport through active engagement and thoughtful curriculum based on cornerstone lessons of sportsmanship, character-building and clean and healthy performance, while also creating leaders across communities through sport.

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