Event Policies and Procedures

Bag Policy

In an effort to continue to provide enhanced safety to Tigers fans, the Tigers have implemented security measures at Comerica Park.

Here's what you need to know:

Upon entry to the ballpark, fans will have their permitted bags searched and will need to pass through a walk through metal detector.

  • Guests will need to empty their pockets of keys, mobile phones and other items before walking through the metal detector. Guests can opt out of the walk thru metal detector screening, but they will be subject to hand held metal detector screening or alternative screening procedures.
  • It is suggested guests minimize the amount of items they bring to the ballpark.
  • There will be no access to the ballpark from the Beer Hall.
  • No knives or weapons of any kind.

Fans are asked to arrive a bit earlier with security measures being implemented. If you have any questions, please contact Comerica Park Security:

  • Online: tigers.com/security
  • Text: text the word SECURITY to 39844
  • Twitter: @ComericaPark
  • Phone: 313-471-7000
  • Email: Tigers.Security@tigers.com

Guest Code of Conduct

Ilitch Sports + Entertainment is committed to creating a safe, comfortable, and enjoyable experience for all guests. To provide these types of experiences, we have standards and expectations for all guests and visitors. The Guest Code of Conduct outlines those expectations and policies.

  • Treat everyone, including opposing fans, with respect and dignity by displaying proper etiquette as outlined below. Guests should refrain from any action that disrupts other guests' enjoyment of the game or event.
  • Do not engage in any unruly behavior, including obscene gestures, derogatory, vulgar, biased, or abusive language, including betting related speech and behavior, directed at guests, venue personnel, players, umpires, officials, artists, or anyone else. This includes the use of such language, actions or gestures concerning a person’s race, ethnicity, color, gender, religion, creed, disability, age, sexual orientation, gender identity/expression or national origin; or to instigate, incite or encourage violence, a confrontation or threat of physical harm.
  • Refrain from wearing any clothing or displaying signage/products that contains obscene or indecent messages or signs. Ilitch Sports + Entertainment reserves the right to prohibit anything deemed inappropriate.
  • Do not fight, throw objects, or attempt to enter or interfere with the progress of the game, ball, or playing surface.
  • Consume alcoholic beverages responsibly and avoid intoxication, diminished capacity or impairment by alcohol or drugs. Guests must be at least 21 years of age to consume alcoholic beverages.
  • Sit only in your ticketed seat and show your ticket when asked by venue personnel.
  • Do not exit with the expectation to re-enter the venue after scanning of tickets.
  • Ilitch Sports + Entertainment and 313 Presents are non-smoking venues, including e-cigarettes and vaping, please refrain from smoking inside the venue.

Gameday Road Closures

As part of our security policy, all streets around Comerica Park will be restricted from any vehicle traffic. Road closures will be in effect approximately three hours prior to game time. Please review the map below for directions into Comerica Park Parking Areas.

Comerica Park Permitted / Non-Permitted Items

Permitted Items (after inspection):

  • Binoculars
  • Blankets
  • Point and shoot camera (Professional &/or commercial cameras with interchangeable or detachable lenses are not allowed)
  • Juice boxes, only if you have children in your party or for medical needs
  • Headphones
  • Laptops/Tablets. Laptops are allowed; however, laptop bags must meet current bag size requirements to be permitted. See bag policy.
  • Knitting needles
  • Only medical bags and diaper bags. All bags, purses, backpacks, (except medical or diaper bags) are prohibited.
  • Only plastic baby bottles if you have a child in your party
  • Seat cushions
  • Signs and banners (any wave flags, banners, signs, or other items that are affixed to any pole or stick made of wood, metal, plastic, or any other hard material and that is more than 11” x 17”in length are prohibited)
  • Single compartment wallets smaller than 4” x 6” x 1.5”, with or without a handle or strap are permitted.
  • Small radios
  • Battery operated/ rechargeable, handheld fans
  • Battery operated coats, gloves, and vests
  • Baseball mitts/gloves
  • Bottled water in a single, clear factory sealed crushable, disposable, plastic container that is 20 ounces or less. A single empty plastic water bottle is also permitted. Glass, aluminum, and metal containers or bottles are prohibited.
  • Strollers (umbrella-type that folds up and will fit underneath the seat, large strollers may be checked at Guest Services)
  • Only small collapsible umbrellas (Umbrellas with metal tips and large golf umbrellas are prohibited)

Non Permitted Items:

  • Aerosol cans (hairspray, mace, pepper spray, etc.)
  • Marijuana or illegal narcotics, including accessories or paraphernalia associated with marijuana or illegal narcotics use.
  • Animals (except approved service animals or service animals in training)
  • All bags, purses, backpacks, (except medical or diaper bags). Single compartment wallets smaller than 4” x 6” x 1.5”, with or without a handle or strap are permitted.
  • Noisemaking devices: air horns, fog horns, bullhorns, thunder sticks, cowbells, bells, horns, kazoos, whistles, vuvuzelas, didgeridoos and other noisemakers
  • Beach balls or other inflatable items
  • Beverages (except juice boxes with children in your party or for medical needs)
  • Bottles and liquid containers (glass, plastic, and aluminum)
  • Coolers
  • Smoking of any kind (cigarettes, e-cigarettes, vaping, etc.)
  • Fireworks or any types of explosives
  • Laser pointers, any device that could create an optical illusion, or any similar devices
  • Professional &/or commercial cameras with interchangeable or detachable lenses
  • Baseball bats, hockey sticks, clubs, poles, brooms, selfie-sticks, fishing nets or poles, signs attached to signs, missile-like objects that can be thrown
  • Video and/or sound recording devices including laptops, tablets, iPads and/or Go Pros
  • Skateboards, scooters, rollerblades, hover boards or any personalized recreational vehicles
  • Weapons of any kind (including firearms, pocketknives, pepper spray, mace), toy or fake weapons (including squirt guns or super soakers)
  • Frisbees
  • Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (Drones): Use of small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (collectively, "Aircraft Systems") at the venue, including the surrounding parking areas, is strictly prohibited at all times without prior written approval from Ilitch Sports + Entertainment/313 Presents. Violations of this policy will result in possible arrest and/or confiscation of the Unmanned Aircraft System
  • Large Banners and Flags: guests are not permitted to use or wave flags, banners, signs, or other items that are affixed to any pole or stick made of wood, metal, plastic, or any other hard material and that is more than 11” x 17”in length.
  • Outside food
  • Umbrellas with metal tips and large golf umbrellas

Guests are encouraged to take non-permitted items back to their car. Items left at the gate are not the responsibility of The Detroit Tigers.