Legacy Campaign Supporters

The Reds Hall of Fame and Museum wishes to thank the following contributors to our 150th Anniversary Legacy Campaign. Their generosity allows us to continue our pursuit to bring Reds history alive to generations of Reds fans. To learn more about the Legacy Campaign, please click below.

Legacy Champions

Legacy Champions
The Cincinnati Reds
Castellini Foundation
The Williams Family
H.C.S. Foundation
Jeff Wyler Family
AACE - African American Capital Enterprises
Robert S. Crotty
The Cobb Family
Dinsmore & Shohl LLP
Frank and Julie Cohen
Drees Homes
David B. and M. Anne Haire Family
The Lindner Family
Hillenbrand, Kennedy, and Ragland Families
Sargent Family Foundation
George H. and Kim Vincent
LTC (R) Dave and Michelle Grob
Nor-Com Technology Solutions
PNC Bank
Rhonda and Larry A. Sheakley
Robert S. Castellini and sons Luke and Alex
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Gary J. Gruber Family
Rosie Reds, Inc.
Tom Sundermann and Family
Dr. Rick and Mendy Abrahamson
The Michael and Christine Ryan Family

Johnny Bench Gold Glove Club

Legacy Campaign Donors - Johnny Bench Gold Glove Club
Johnny, Bobby, Justin, and Joshua Bench
Art and Joan Hauser
Roger and Gayle Lanham
Dr. Robert S. Schneider and Russell N. Schneider

Harry Wright Captain's Club

Legacy Campaign - Harry Wright Captain's Club
Scott and Natalie Bluestein
Josh Shortt and the Burnette Family Charitable Foundation
The Mark and Julie Bissinger Family
In Memory of Claude and Carletta Bush
Sean Casey
Jason Cohen
Exact Metrology
Gregory Gandy
Dr. and Mrs. William Greenhill
Harris Distributing Company
Steven J. Kennedy
KLK Wealth Management Group & 19/19 Investment Council
Doug & Gretchen Lefferson
Dr. and Mrs. Edward Loftspring
Dennis McEvoy
Tyler and Stephanie McMullen
The Steiner and Miller Families
Joey Votto
Bob Wurster

Undefeated 1869 Red Stockings

Legacy Campaign - Undefeated 1869 Red Stockings
Matthew Arlinghaus
Jon Derryberry
Doug & Olga Flynn
Gregory Gajus
Geo. Buzz Guckenberger
Christopher Hammond
Lisa Herzog
Greg and Pam Houston
Greg Jarvis
Gene & Tammy Lease
Mike Lum
Tony Malagari
Kendall Meyer
Kim and Bonnie Nuxhall
Rob and Amy Schwark
Western & Southern Financial Group
Owen J. Williams

Red Stockings Picked Nine

Legacy Campaign - Red Stockings Picked Nine
Brian Bailey
Greg Bensman
Jim Bogart
Mindy Bowman
Rob & Nancy Brankamp
Melissa Briede
Joe Brown
Kevin Brown
James P. Buckmann
Danny Carpenter
Kevin Carroll
David Carson
The Chamberlain Family
Nancy K. Chastain
Jack Coe
Jim Cornett
Bradley Crump
Linda J. Cruse
Matthew Cutter
Alan Dackiw
Dennison Dalton
Steven Damolaris
Kevin and Shelly Donovan
Kimberly Dowell
Mitchell Dunvan
Matthew Edwards
Chris Ellis
Marcus Evans
Andrew Fenner
Charlie Fisher
Karen Forgus
Charles Frank
In Memory of Kenneth J. Freeman, Sr.
Diana Garbo
Art Gardella
Nick Gemmell
Karl D. Gettmann
Ryan Gifford
Michael Goldshot
Joyce Graeter
Jane A. Grimm
Kyle Hensley
Andrew Herman
David Hicov
Amy Hill
George Hill
Michael Hill
Jason Hinners
Vern and Sue Hoying
Robbie Huff
Wayne Huff
Sabrina Hunley
Jonathan Hunt
In memory of Jack and Gertrude Schaefer
In memory of John Dalton
In memory of Bill Kier
In memory of Ival Goodman
In memory of Patricia Kraemer
In memory of Charles and Judy Huff
In memory of Terry Pfotenhauer
Orlando Itin
Sean Jones
Jerome Klein II
Jerry McArthur
Randall Justice
Roger Ketterer
Mark Kuhlman
Matt Langworthy
Brian Longstreth
Dean Lowe
Ken Ludington
Stuart Lunsford
Millard H. Mack
Jon Markle
Roger Martin
Jerry McArthur
Roger McClary
Albert Meininger
Hank Menninger
Jim Miller
Michael R. Miller
Scott & Bev Mitchell
Gregory Moore
Dennis Myers
Mike Naseef
Jonathan Nugent
Jim Oddie
Greg Olthaus
Sylvia Osterday
William Owen
Ron Pimpsner
David Plaut
Matthew A. Poe
Dave Poole
David Purdon
Robert E. Quinn
Rossi Ralenkotter
William E. Reinberger
Perry Rosenthal
Brian Russell
Jeffrey W. Schneider
Roland Shelton
Rick Shoultz
Philip South
Mitchell Spivey
Joe Squier
Perry & Kathy Thacker
Thomas Thrashen
To celebrate Team Popelar
To celebrate the Swinney Family
To celebrate Kenneth Ray Johnson
To celebrate Cincinnati Reds and Professional Baseball
Diane Tokorsky
Timothy Tyler
Fred and Joyce Valerius
Jean Venerable
Evanne Volz
Tim Wartman
Cary & Clare Watson
Herb & Jan Wedig
Jeff Wendel
Don Werner
Susan White
Jon Whited
John Wigger
Michael Witt
Rich Wurzbacher

Vintage Base Ball Fan

Legacy Campaign - Vintage Base Ball Fan
Rick Abbot
Betty Ackerman
Ryan Asbrock
Stephen Belanich
Rob Blackburn
Jean F. Blackburn
Jon Borie
Thomas O. Bowns
Truman Boyes
Jim Braun
Scott Brigger
Jerry D. Brinkley
Rita Brockman
Mark Brown
Nathan Brown
Ralph Brueckner
Mr. Gerald Caldwell
Todd Carris
Joy Ellen Carstens
Steve Caudill
Tom Ciaccio
James Conway
Pat Conway
George Culver
Gary De La Rosa
Dick Durand
Ken Elliott
Barbara Ellwein
Ana Eng
Justin Erenkrantz
Daniel Foley
Thomas A Fritsch
Richard Fuchs
John Fulford
Jason Gaedtke
Steve Gatsch
Brad Gerth
Tim Gilbert
Joshua Gleberman
Rich Godsil
Betty Goodwin
Wayne Granger
Edward Hall
Grace M. Harrod
Ruth Hartzell
Carl Hickey
Frank Hodges
Darren Hoelle
Constance Hogan
Brian Hunterman
In honor of Johnny Edwards
In honor of Dow Sutton
In honor of Albert Lee Cox
In memory of Margaret Wells
In memory of Richard DePuccio
In memory of Buzzy and Bernie Uchtman
In memory of Carl D. Keller
In memory of Bryce Mansfield
In memory of Earl E. Wigger
Sarah Kapcar
Alex Kapcar
Brian Kapcar
David Keller
Jeffery Kerns
Bill & Nancy Koebel
Denice Koenig
Fred Kurzeja
Mary Leedy
Barb Lieurance
Dave Lieurance
Mark Lingg
Gene Lockwood
Andrew Maloney
Todd McDorman
Thomas Metters
Arnie Metz
Jack Middendorf
William Mier
Terry Miller
Warren Mitchell
Sharon Morrissey
Carol Moses
Robert Murray
Bryan Murray
Reed L. Musgrove
Linda Myers
Charles Oakes
Kathy O'Hara
C. Corey Ohmer
Matthew Pittinger
Taelor Puckett
Peggy Rabitin
Judith Randolph
Norma Rebholz
Larry Restle
Myra and Glenn Riefle
William Root
Cindy Schneider
Robert Schrenk
John C. Schuckmann
Jim Seibert
Diane G. Senske
Rhonda J. Shelton
Derick Smith
Gary Solgere
Shawn Sparks
Scott M Spinner
Joe Steele
William Stephenson
Luke Stroh
Nathan Stroh
Seth Stroh
Dee Taylor
To celebrate the Cincinnati Reds
To celebrate Kelly and Jacob Dunn
To celebrate Alex and Ben Young
Mike Turner
Tyler Walls
Jason Walters
Johnny Wey
Ross P. Wharfield
Robert Wilhelm
Tyler Wiltshire
Bradley R. Wolf