MLB.TV Help Center

LG® | Get Started


When you first open the MLB App on your LG for the first time, you will be directed to our onboarding experience. You will be presented with 3 primary options, as well as an option to Log In. You can use the arrow keys on your remote in order to navigate between these options. Selecting one of these buttons will take you to additional screens.

Create Free Account

From this page, you will be able to create a new MLB account. Once you complete the onboarding flow, you will be taken to the Homepage of the app and will be able to access any free content, such as the Free Game of the Day.

Please note that, If you encounter an error on this page, it is likely to be related to the username/password requirements of the MLB. In such cases, you will receive a red error message above the email address field to notify you about the issue.

Browse Subscriptions

If you choose the "Browse Subscriptions" option, it will redirect you to a purchase page where you can select from various available options to make your purchase. You can also access our purchase page by simply selecting any non-free content within our app.

Purchase Page

The purchase page provides a QR code as well as step-by-step instructions on how to purchase an MLB.TV subscription. You will need to go to the web version of our sale page in order to complete the purchase. Once the purchase is complete, you will need to follow the Log In flow in order to connect your purchase and view content within the app.

Log In

If you select the "Log In" option, you will be taken to the login page. From there, you will be able to enter your MLB credentials. Once you have successfully logged in, you will then be taken to the Homepage.

Explore Free Content

If you select the "Explore Free Content" option from the Onboarding screen you will be taken to the Homepage of the app. From there, you will be able to explore some of our content available for free.


In the "Settings Menu", you have the options to "Hide Spoilers", “Closed Caption”,or “Contact Support”. You can also click "Log In" (or “Log Out”) to change MLB user accounts at any time.

To quit the app at any time, simply press the "Exit" button on your remote.