Season Ticket Holders

Ways to use Cardinals Season Seats


  • Prospecting - Use your seats to help bring in new business to your company. Get that potential customer "off of the fence".
  • Customer Relations - Reinforce and enhance relationships with current customers beyond conventional business relations.
  • Sales Tool - Use as a means of motivation for salespeople to hit their numbers and goals during a sales period, or prizes for sales contests.
  • Networking - Use Cardinals Baseball as the conduit to link up with other business leaders.
  • Referrals - Thank that customer who gave you a business referral.
  • Recognition - Surprise an employee on their work anniversary or welcome new employees.
  • Build Employee Morale - Make your employees happy and proud to work for you by treating them to a Cardinals game.
  • Gain an Edge - Stay ahead of the competition by putting your tickets to work for you.
  • Bring Business Back - Invite a customer who has not ordered from you or done business with you recently.
  • Prospective Employee - Give the tickets to that job candidate who interviewed from out of town.
  • Mentors - Pair up employees with company mentors and treat them to a game.
  • Say Thank You - Show gratitude to someone inside or outside your business. Imagine their reaction when you Thank that long-time client, volunteer or an employee, with seats at a Cardinals game.
  • Fix a Problem - Give to customers who might be upset or annoyed with a situation.
  • Give to Your Favorite Charity - Donate your tickets and make someone's day.


  • Bring Family and Friends - Nothing strengthens friendships and builds memories like a Cardinals game.
  • Use as Gifts - Give games for graduations, birthdays, anniversaries, and holidays. Skip going to the store!
  • Thank You - Go to your favorite restaurant and thank the server for their hard work. Thank your child's teacher or coach.
  • Non-For-Profit - Give them to a non-for-profit that you support to auction off and help their cause.
  • Welcome Package - Welcome the new neighbor to town.
  • Reward - Reward your child or family member for their good grades!
  • Reconnect - Reconnect with an old friend.
  • Service Recognition - Offer the tickets to a service person that has taken care of you.
  • Added Incentive - Baby sitters enjoy Cardinals baseball.
  • Surprise - Surprise that Little Leaguer or Student of the Month with a trip to Busch Stadium.
  • Use Them Yourself - Don't give all of the fun away!

Split Season


  • Sell Your Tickets - Can't make a game? List your tickets on SeatGeek, the Official Ticket Marketplace of the St. Louis Cardinals. Visit your Account Manager or click HERE for additional information!

It is not just a seat to a game. It is an experience, a memory, a business tool, an asset. Use your tickets to their utmost potential. Contact your Account Executive and talk to a pro about how to get the most out of your season seats.