Atlanta Braves Pitch In For the Planet

Browns Mill HAW Group Photo

The Atlanta Braves are Pitching in for the Planet by creating 20 community orchards across metro Atlanta in partnership with One Tree Planted and Players for the Planet. These neighborhood-based orchards will increase access to fresh, healthy food for urban residents while expanding tree canopy and promoting environmental sustainability.

The Giving Grove and Food Well Alliance will help plant a total of 300 fruit trees, which will produce more than 13,000 servings of healthy fruit each year. These community orchards will absorb storm runoff water, preventing flash flooding and protecting the fresh water supply, while also helping reduce urban air temperatures through carbon sequestration and the creation of shade. More than 100 volunteers will be engaged in this project.

For each site, the project will train local residents to serve as volunteer orchard stewards and will provide the plant material, supplies, training and tools necessary to maintain the trees and grow a bountiful harvest of fruits, berries and nuts for the neighborhood. Schools, community groups and urban agriculture organizations interested in hosting an orchard site are invited to apply; a panel of community representatives coordinated by Food Well Alliance will evaluate and rank applications.

Atlanta Braves Foundation – Sustainability Efforts

In-Park Recycling and Food Recovery

Atlanta Braves facility operations coordinates multiple recycling efforts as part of their day-to-day operations, including the following:

  • Cardboard
  • Paper
  • Aluminum
  • Plastic
  • Electronics
  • Glass
  • Metal
  • Motor Oil
  • Cooking Oil/Grease
  • Paint
  • Pallets
  • Lightbulbs
  • Fiber (upholstery, clothing, carpet)
  • Organics/compost

To help reduce waste, the Braves have implemented aluminum cups from Ball Corporation at bar locations and club spaces in the ballpark. Finally, in partnership with Second Helpings Atlanta, the Braves donate unused food from Truist Park at the end of each homestand. Each year, thousands of pounds of food are rescued and distributed to those in need.

Atlanta Braves Recycle Green Team