An adaptive baseball program, run in partnership with Little League Canada and Baseball Canada, where kids living with physical and/or cognitive disabilities find a place on a team where they belong. The program teaches athletes the core life skills inherent to baseball, including teamwork, communication, determination, resiliency, inclusion, support and courage. Challenger Baseball ensures athletes of all abilities have the opportunity to play in a fun and safe environment where they learn to become more independent, build confidence, and create lasting friendships with their peers.

Program Overview

Athletes with disabilities involved in Challenger Baseball programs increase:
- Independence
- Self-esteem and self-awareness
- Relationships to peers
- Connection to positive role models
- Their courage to try new challenges
- Likelihood of living a physically active life
- Baseball & Physical Literacy skills
Get Involved
There are Challenger Baseball programs all over the country. Each of them was started by someone like you! Whether you are an educator, a parent, a community member who cares, a long-time baseball fan, or a leader at a non-profit organization – Jays Care is here to help make it easy to launch and run a Challenger Baseball program that changes lives and leaves a lasting legacy. Challenger Baseball program or volunteer in: