“I’m not really a 'Statement' kind of guy and had no intention of releasing one. That said, the volume of messages I have received in the wake of the news compels me to say something. First, I never knew so many people had my number.
“I want to take time to first thank White Sox fans who went out of their way throughout the years to offer support and encouragement. Often this would happen on the street or in a restaurant or on one of my morning walks, and it always surprised me. It would come at times when I least expected it or even deserved it, but definitely when I needed it, and I was grateful they would take the time.
“I thank Jerry Reinsdorf for the opportunity he gave me to head baseball operations and will forever be proud of the World Series Championship we all celebrated together. At my inaugural presser, I spoke of winning multiple championships. That was my goal, our goal, and we failed. I am a bottom line guy, and the bottom line is we didn’t get it done. This is what happens as a result.
“There is a lot of talent on this club, and I wish the players, Pedro and the coaching staff the best in reaching their goals. I believe they will rebound and give the baseball world a great 2024 campaign.
“To my former staff and other Sox employees throughout the years, I will forever value our beyond work relationships and will miss everyone dearly. I will never forget turning around at my father’s funeral and seeing all of those who had flown across the country to support me and my family. It took my breath away. Their support throughout the years has been and will forever be treasured.
“To my former players and staff who have reached out since the announcement, I cannot tell you how much those texts and sentiments mean to me. I know that not everyone has warm and fuzzy feelings about me, but I tried to be honest and fair with everyone at every turn. At times, admittedly, maybe a little too direct. Sometimes I hit the mark and sometimes I missed the mark on my messaging, but there wasn’t a player who walked through our doors I didn’t care about or wished the best in his baseball career and family life.
“Rick Hahn, my friend. We didn’t accomplish what we set out to do, but I wouldn’t have wanted to do it with anyone other than him. He is one of the smartest people I know and I am confident, if given the chance, I will see him reach the pinnacle of success. We managed to always find a laugh even in the darkest of times, and I will always cherish our time together.
“Lastly, Jerry. I lived our World Series victory through his eyes and emotions. We’ve shared many of life’s triumphs and tragedies and as I told him when he gave me the news of his decision, nothing changes with us. I will be there for him as I always have been and respect his decision to look for a new voice to lead the organization. He deserved better.
“A big thanks to Chicago, you have been good to us. Zoraida and I will miss you dearly.”