Join the Dasani Green Team

In 2008, the Boston Red Sox launched the Green Team, a first of its kind recycling initiative. During all home games at Fenway Park, volunteers spread throughout the seating bowl to collect recyclables from fans. Fenway Park recently became a single-stream recycling facility meaning all recyclable materials can be comingled including plastic, cardboard, and paper. Every year Green Team members helped divert almost 400 tons of recyclables from the landfill.

Groups and individuals are invited to participate, however all participants must be at least 18 years of age. Volunteers are asked to arrive one hour prior to game time and collect recyclables through the seventh inning with collections occurring only between innings as to not interrupt the sightlines of fans. All volunteers are provided with a Dasani Green Team t-shirt, bags, gloves, and a food voucher for one complimentary hot dog and soda.

To join the Dasani Green Team please email with the following information:

  • Name
  • Organization
  • Number of Volunteers
  • Date(s)

Please contact Renee Poutre with any questions at 617-226-6373.