GCWW/MSD Ticket Redemption

Greater Cincinnati Water Works and the Metropolitan Sewer District of Greater Cincinnati are proud to salute our essential workers and team members that have worked tirelessly to assist others through the COVID-19 pandemic.

As a special thank you for all you do, please enjoy a Reds game on behalf of GCWW and MSD. Just enter your unique offer code, select your game, and choose your four free tickets. Games are subject to availability.

Note: This ticket redemption opportunity will end at 5 p.m. on Thursday, August 19.


  1. Click the “Redeem Tickets” button.
  2. Enter your one-time use password into the “Enter Offer Code” box and click Submit.
  3. Choose your game from the list of available dates.
  4. Set search options to the total number of tickets you wish to redeem using the + and – symbols.
  5. On the map, click on an available section where you wish to sit, then choose your specific seats
  6. If claiming more than the four free tickets, use the pencil to update additional tickets to the GCWW/MSD Additional Tickets buyer type.
  7. Log into your MLB.com account, and complete your order.