Votto wants to buy 100 cutouts of his face
Yes, that is a good idea
Joey Votto is an idea man. Nobody subverts fan expectations like Votto does. No other player plans to become a bus driver when their career is over. And nobody can wax philosophically about the game like the Reds' first baseman:
But without any fans to troll this year, what is Votto to do? That came up in his Zoom news conference following the Reds' 3-2 win on Monday night, helped by Votto's two-run, go-ahead homer in the sixth inning.
Asked about his feelings regarding the cardboard fans in the stands, Votto said, "How about i buy an entire section and it's just my face? Like 100 pictures of me. Is that a good idea? Would that be weird?"
The only answer to that is: Well, yes, but in the best way.
With the money raised from the cutouts going to the Reds community fund, Votto asked how much it would cost for him to buy a whole section. " How much is that gonna cost me?" Votto shouted to a Reds employee off camera. "$70,000?! Oh my god. OK, alright, I'll take six sections."
While Votto may be joking, we can only cross our fingers and hope he's deadly serious.
As for what that may look like, our friends at Cut4 shared a peek at this possible world:
I mean, if one White Sox fan can do it, certainly Votto can pull it off, too.