Shirts Off Our Backs Volunteers
- A ticket to enjoy the game after your volunteer shift
- A voucher to have a meal on us at the ballpark after your volunteer shift
- Free parking to the game
- Volunteers with the highest donations raised are eligible for prizes such as 2023 Rays tickets, autographed items and more!
The Rays need your help! We are looking for volunteers to help with the annual "Shirts Off Our Backs" fundraiser. The event will run throughout the final 10 Rays home games of the regular season, September 16 - 25.
Proceeds benefit the Rays Baseball Foundation which is dedicated to improving the lives of those in need within our community, focusing primarily on education, youth development, wellness and social responsibility. All fans who donate will receive scratch-off cards giving them the opportunity to win a wide variety of prizes. Included in the prizes are game-worn jerseys, Rays tickets and more.
The success of this fundraiser relies solely on its volunteers. The more dedicated the volunteer, the more donations are made to support youth and education in our community. You have been personally selected for this event by a Rays community partner. This opportunity not only allows you to give back to the community of Tampa Bay, but to also to raise awareness for your group. Please see below some information about this event, and how you can help.
Volunteer Requirements
- Volunteers younger than 18 years of age must be accompanied by an adult to volunteer for Shirts Off Our Backs.
- You must be present at the orientation before your shift begins to participate, unless otherwise specified by Rays staff.
- You will be asked to volunteer the entire shift (details to follow).
- Registration forms must be completed and submitted at least five days prior to the event to ensure proper communication of details and distribution of materials.
- Volunteers may sign up for multiple shifts.
Please contact Kimberly Couts at with any questions.