Mascots & More Pages:

Pirate Parrot Stats
- Height (feet): Larger than life
- Weight (lbs): Won't sit still on a scale
- Waist (inches): We can't tell you that!
- Eyes: Cross-eyed from watching too much TV.
- Feathers: Lime green shag fur.
- Birthplace: Hatched at Three Rivers Stadium in 1979.
Season Stats
- High Fives: 9,849 (121.6 per game)
- Pictures Taken: 4,829 (59.6 per game)
- Fans Covered in Silly String: 462 (5.7 per game)
Activity - Color the Pirate Parrot
Hey kids, you can bring the Pirate Parrot to life by downloading, printing and coloring in the drawings below!
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Parrot Confidential - More Bio of the Bird

The Pirate Parrot's Favorites, Accomplishments and Goals...
Foods: High carbohydrate sunflower bird seed mix.
Movies: Pirates of the Caribbean, Follow that Bird, Muppet Movie and Sandlot.
Songs: Free Bird, I Kissed a Bird, Rockin' Robin.
TV Shows: Animal Planet, 3 Stooges, Extreme Makeover - Nest Edition, This Old Nest, If Walls Could Squawk.
Hobbies: Hot dog launching, riding dirt bikes, skiing and other extreme winter sports.
Greatest Moment: Helping the Bucs to a World Series Championship in his first year as team mascot (1979 WS Champs) and creating the "Let's Go Bucs, Let's go GREEN" campaign to save the planet.
Goals for the Future: Shoot a hot dog to Steve Blass in the Radio/TV Booth, play one song with a band on the drums during a Skyblast concert, and become enshrined in the Mascot Hall of Fame.