The first official game at PNC Park was played on April 9, 2001, when the Cincinnati Reds defeated the Pirates, 8-2.
Please Note: All PNC Park firsts listed occured on April 9, 2001, unless otherwise noted with a different date in the description.
Batting Firsts
- Batter (outcome): Barry Larkin, Cincinnati Reds (struck out swinging)
- Pirates Batter (outcome): Adrian Brown (struck out looking)
- Hit: Sean Casey, Cincinnati Reds (home run to right-center off Todd Ritchie, 1st inning)
- Pirates Hit: Jason Kendall (infield single to short off Chris Reitsma, 1st inning)
- Run Scored: Dmitri Young, Cincinnati Reds (scored on Sean Casey's home run off Todd Ritchie, 1st inning)
- Pirates Run Scored: Aramis Ramirez (scored on an error by Aaron Boone -- misplay of a ground ball by John Vander Wal -- 7th inning)
- RBI: Sean Casey, Cincinnati Reds (two-run home run off Todd Ritchie, scoring Dmitri Young, 1st inning)
- Pirates RBI: John Vander Wal (reached base on an error by Cincinnati third baseman Aaron Boone, scoring Aramis Ramirez, 7th inning)
- Single: Jason Kendall, Pittsburgh Pirates (infield single to short off Chris Reitsma, 1st inning)
- Opponent's Single: Juan Castro, Cincinnati Reds (single to right field off Todd Ritchie, 2nd inning)
- Double: Michael Tucker, Cincinnati Reds (double to center field off Todd Ritchie, 6th inning)
- Pirates Double: Aramis Ramirez (double to left-center off Elmer Dessens, Cincinnati Reds, 2nd inning, 4/11/01)
- Triple: Aaron Boone, Cincinnati Reds (triple to left-center off Omar Olivares, 5th inning, 4/12/01)
- Pirates Triple: Brian Giles (triple to right off Jon Lieber, Chicago Cubs, 2nd inning, 4/20/01)
- Home Run: Sean Casey, Cincinnati Reds (two-run home run to right-center off Todd Ritchie, 1st inning, 1-0 pitch)
- Pirates Home Run: John Vander Wal (solo home run to right field off Elmer Dessens, Cincinnati Reds, 3rd inning, 1-0 pitch, 4/11/01)
- Grand Slam: Sammy Sosa, Chicago Cubs (grand slam to right field off Jose Silva, 9th inning, 3-2 pitch, 4/20/01)
- Pirates Grand Slam: Brian Giles (grand slam to right field off Billy Wagner, 9th inning, 1-0 pitch, 7/28/01 - day)
- Pinch-Hit Home Run: Craig Wilson (a solo home run to center field off Kirk Rueter, San Francisco, 5th inning, 2-2 pitch, 5/1/01)
- Opponent's Pinch-Hit Home Run: Chris Donnels, Los Angeles (a solo home run to left field off Rich Loiselle, 9th inning, 1-2, 7/16/01)
- Inside-The-Park Home Run: Jack Wilson, Pittsburgh Pirates (vs. Milwaukee 7/2/04 - game 1 - off Brooks Kieschnick, 6th inning)
- Home Run By Pitcher: Jason Schmidt, Pittsburgh Pirates (solo home run to left field off Jimmy Haynes, Milwaukee, 6th inning, 0-0 pitch, 6/27/01)
- Home Run Into Allegheny River On Fly: Daryle Ward, Houston Astros (off Kip Wells, 5th inning, 0-0 pitch, 7/6/02)
- Pirates Home Run Into Allegheny River On Fly: Garrett Jones (off Cincinnati's Jonathan Broxton, 8th inning, 2-1 pitch, 6/2/13)
- Strikeout: Barry Larkin, Cincinnati Reds (by Todd Ritchie, 1st inning)
- Pirates Strikeout: Adrian Brown (by Chris Reitsma, 1st inning)
- Walk: Michael Tucker, Cincinnati Reds (by Todd Ritchie, 3rd inning)
- Pirates Walk: Kevin Young (by Chris Reitsma, 4th inning)
- Hit Batter: Dmitri Young, Cincinnati Reds (by Todd Ritchie, 1st inning)
- Pirates Hit Batter: Jason Kendall (by John Riedling, 8th inning)
- Stolen Base: Adrian Brown, Pittsburgh Pirates (stole second base off Chris Reitsma/Kelly Stinnett, 3rd inning)
- Opponent's Stolen Base: Alex Ochoa, Cincinnati Reds (stole third base off Jimmy Anderson/Jason Kendall, 3rd inning, 4/11/01)
Pitching Firsts
- Starting Pitcher: Todd Ritchie, Pittsburgh Pirates
- Opponent's Starting Pitcher: Chris Reitsma, Cincinnati Reds
- Winning Pitcher: Chris Reitsma, Cincinnati Reds
- Pirates Winning Pitcher: Jose Silva, Pittsburgh Pirates (4/11/01)
- Losing Pitcher: Todd Ritchie, Pittsburgh Pirates
- Opponent's Losing Pitcher: John Riedling, Cincinnati Reds (4/11/01)
- Relief Pitcher: Josias Manzanillo, Pittsburgh Pirates (6th inning)
- Opponent's Relief Pitcher: Dennys Reyes, Cincinnati Reds (7th inning)
- Save: Mike Williams, Pittsburgh Pirates (4/11/01)
- Opponent's Save: Jeff Fassero, Chicago Cubs (4/21/01)
- Hit Allowed: Todd Ritchie, Pittsburgh Pirates (two-run home run by Sean Casey, Cincinnati Reds, 1st inning)
- Opponent's Hit Allowed: Chris Reitsma, Cincinnati Reds (infield single by Jason Kendall, 1st inning)
- Run Allowed: Todd Ritchie, Pittsburgh Pirates (Dmitri Young, Cincinnati Reds, scored on Sean Casey's home run, 1st inning)
- Opponent's Run Allowed: Chris Reitsma, Cincinnati Reds (Aramis Ramirez scored on an error by Aaron Boone hit by John Vander Wal, 1st inning)
- Home Run Allowed: Todd Ritchie, Pittsburgh Pirates (two-run home run by Sean Casey, Cincinnati Reds, 1st inning)
- Opponent's Home Run Allowed: Elmer Dessens, Cincinnati Reds (solo home run by John Vander Wal in 3rd inning, 4/11/01)
- Strikeout: Todd Ritchie, Pittsburgh Pirates (struck out Barry Larkin, Cincinnati Reds, swinging, 1st inning)
- Opponent's Strikeout: Chris Reitsma, Cincinnati Reds (struck out Adrian Brown, looking, 1st inning)
- Walk: Todd Ritchie, Pittsburgh Pirates (walked Michael Tucker, Cincinnati Reds, 3rd inning)
- Pirates Walk: Chris Reitsma, Cincinnati Reds (walked Kevin Young, 4th inning)
- Wild Pitch: Marc Wilkins, Pittsburgh Pirates (to Michael Tucker, Cincinnati Reds, 9th inning)
- Opponent's Wild Pitch: John Riedling, Cincinnati Reds (to Brian Giles, 7th inning, 4/11/01)
- Hit Batsman: Todd Ritchie, Pittsburgh Pirates (hit Dmitri Young, Cincinnati Reds, 1st inning)
- Opponent's Hit Batsman: John Riedling, Cincinnati Reds (hit Jason Kendall, 8th inning)
- Complete Game: Darryl Kile, St. Louis (5/16/01)
- Pirates Complete Game: Pirates Complete Game - Todd Ritchie (6/17/01)
- Shutout: Darryl Kile, St. Louis (5/16/01)
- Pirates Shutout: Todd Ritchie (6/17/01)
- No-Hitter: Homer Bailey, Cincinnati Reds (9/28/12, 1-0 win vs. Pirates)
Fielding Firsts
- Putout: Jason Kendall, Pittsburgh Pirates (caught 3rd strike on Barry Larkin)
- Opponent's Putout: Kelly Stinnett, Cincinnati Reds (caught 3rd strike on Adrian Brown)
- Assist: Pat Meares, Pittsburgh Pirates (assisted Kevin Young's putout of Michael Tucker, Cincinnati Reds, ground ball, 1st inning)
- Opponent's Assist: Aaron Boone, Cincinnati Reds (assisted Sean Casey's putout of Aramis Ramirez ground ball, 1st inn.)
- Error: Aaron Boone, Cincinnati Reds (misplayed ground ball from John Vander Wal, 7th inning)
- Pirates Error: Jack Wilson (wild throw on ground ball from Aaron Boone, 1st inning, 4/11/01)
- Double Play: Jack Wilson to Pat Meares to Kevin Young, Pittsburgh Pirates (hit by Kelly Stinnett, 2nd inning)
- Opponent's Double Play: Aaron Boone to Juan Castro to Sean Casey, Cincinnati Reds (hit by Enrique Wilson, 7th inning)
- Triple Play: Josh Harrison to Neil Walker to Andrew Lambo (hit by Chicago Cubs Matt Szczur, 4th inning, 9/14/14)