Phanatic smashes Yanks helmet, fans go wild

June 13th, 2021

likes to smash baseballs. He wears a helmet while doing so. What the veteran slugger doesn't appear to like is the Phillie Phanatic smashing a Yankees helmet much like the one Stanton wears at the plate.

Stanton was seen glaring in the direction of the Phanatic when the famed mascot pulled his latest stunt: dancing along to Frank Sinatra's "New York, New York" -- the song the Bombers play after wins at Yankee Stadium -- and urging on the crowd before smashing a Yankees helmet with the bottom of his microphone stand on Saturday at Citizens Bank Park.

The Phanatic punctuated the act by riding his ATV away from the scene with his arms up in triumph as the Philadelphia faithful erupted in lusty cheers before later watching the Phils pull out their third straight walk-off win in the 10th.

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Manny Randhawa is a reporter for based in Denver.