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Torre's daughter saves falling baby

Cristina Torre, 44, was walking down street when 1-year-old fell into her arms

The daughter of Joe Torre caught a 1-year-old boy who fell out of a building in Brooklyn on Wednesday, according to the New York Daily News.

Cristina Torre, the 44-year-old daughter of Major League Baseball's executive vice president of baseball operations, was walking along Third Avenue near 91st Street when she saw a little boy hanging from an awning outside of a storefront Wednesday morning, the Daily News reported.

Then, the baby began falling toward the ground -- but, fortunately, right into Torre's arms.

"I didn't really know what was going to happen. ... You just move into action -- you don't really think about it," Torre told the Daily News.

The little boy was taken to Lutheran Hospital and placed under observation, according to the report.

She said she was having coffee at a nearby shop when bystanders saw the boy dangling from an awning of a store next door.

"I'm talking to him saying, 'Don't come down, stay there,'" Torre told the Daily News. "He helped himself with his arms. He was dangling. I knew he would be flipping very soon."

She said the child "literally landed in my arms."

Joe Torre, 72, has overseen Major League operations, on-field operations, discipline and umpiring since February 2011. As a player, he was a nine-time All-Star, four-time World Series champion and won the 1971 National League MVP Award. He managed five teams from 1977-2010 (Mets, Braves, Cardinals, Yankees and Dodgers) and won four World Series with the Yankees from 1996-2007.

"I get my good hand-eye coordination from him," Cristina Torre said.

Adam Berry is a reporter for Follow him on Twitter at @adamdberry.