Fraley, White field fans' questions on Instagram

SEATTLE -- During the ongoing layoff from the field due to the coronavirus pandemic, Mariners first baseman Evan White and outfielder Jake Fraley fielded fans' questions during a live Q&A via the Mariners' Instagram account on Friday.
Here were some of the highlights:
Which Mariner has been the best mentor and role model to you?
Fraley: "They're all very vocal. They all like to give advice and utilize the experience that they have. You could say every single one of them. For me, I've had a lot of very personal conversations from on the field and off the field stuff with [Kyle] Seager. He's been absolutely unbelievable with utilizing all the stuff that he's learned in his 10 years of playing. He's done it for everybody. So, having a guy like that along with [Mitch] Haniger, Vogey [Daniel Vogelbach], even Mallex [Smith], being in the outfield with a guy like Mallex who has done it so well, having guys like that is incredible and such a blessing."
White: "I think our guys have done a really good job, top to bottom, with different aspects. I think someone else that's been a big role model for me has been Dee [Gordon]. Just talking infield-wise and little stuff in practice, you've got to really pay attention to detail and be smart with it and paying attention to the right things. He's opened my eyes to certain little things with that."
Who is the funniest player on the team?
Fraley: "100% Vogey. Vogey has you laughing so hard you have tears running down your face."
White: "That's a good question. There are a lot of funny guys on the team actually. The first person that comes to my mind is Vogelbach. Every time, I'm crying. He's hysterical. And he keeps it going. It's constant."
Who has the better shoe game: Kyle Lewis or Justin Dunn?
Fraley: "I think it's Dunn. Dude, Dunn spends so much money on shoes, so I mean, I feel like just to let him feel a little bit better about spending all that money, just give him that credit and kind of maybe help him out a bit."
White: "I'm going to go the exact opposite and say Kyle. [Michael] Jordan hooks it up for him, and he's definitely got style with that."
Who on the team can hit the ball furthest if they really squared one up?
Fraley: "Kyle. I've seen K-Lew hit some balls that I still can't believe that he hit them that far."
White: "K-Lew or Vogey. Those two would be a fun BP show to watch. [Lewis], dead center and opposite field, I've never seen anything like it."
Which players did you look up to when you were young?
Fraley: "For me, it was Josh Hamilton. That was a big guy for me. I'm a man of faith. I'm a believer in Jesus, and set aside obviously all the things that Hamilton dealt with through his career and even after his career now, he was a big guy while he played. He really promoted and really lived out his faith using the platform that he had in baseball. To me, growing up, that was a big thing that got me on to him. It helped that he hit absolute nukes."
White: "I'm also a man of faith and believer. My answer would be Albert Pujols. The coolest thing for me was actually being able to talk to him in Spring Training and just talk about our faith and share that with each other, what he's done, sharing that throughout his whole career was awesome."
What team do you enjoy playing against?
Fraley: "Mine was definitely the Cubs. My mother is from Chicago, born and raised on the South Side. She was a big Cubs fan. So playing the Cubs at Wrigley Field was a really cool moment not only for me, but obviously my mother because she's a lifelong Cubs fan."
White: "For me, I grew up in Ohio. I grew up a big Reds fan. Obviously, I haven't had the chance to play against them in the big leagues, but just Spring Training and stuff like that was cool. My family rooted for them growing up, so that was pretty special for me."
Did you play any other sports as a kid?
Fraley: "I played football when I was in middle school, but that was about it."
White: "I played basketball until my freshman year [of high school] and then just focused on baseball after that. I always enjoy sports. I always enjoy going out back, playing football a little bit. And I've started to get into golf a little more."
What's your favorite food?
Fraley: "Chicken fried rice. My grandmother's chicken fried rice, no one will ever beat. You can't top it."
White: "I like steak and potatoes and my grandma's pot roast."
Does pineapple belong on pizza?
Fraley: "Always. It's not bitter, but you have the tomato sauce with the cheese. I mean, you add a little bit of sweetness with the pineapple and it's like perfect."
White: "He is wrong. I don't like that at all. That's my personal preference. I'd rather eat nothing than pineapple on pizza."
Who was your childhood hero?
Fraley: "Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior. I'm a believer. Every chance I get, I like to take the opportunity to give praise to him. My whole life is guided by his word and his presence."
White: "I couldn't have said it any better."
For Fraley, will you grow your hair back?
Fraley: "I will. I just had to cut it off. It was two full years of not touching it, and I think it was just getting a little too long. But it's definitely going to make an appearance back, that's for sure."
For White, have you always just played first base?
White: "No, I played a little outfield growing up. I was a center fielder in high school travel ball and stuff. I could outrun [Fraley] right now. I used to be pretty good out there. I played from as young as when I started, then I played up until I got to college. I played one game, seven innings in center field, in college."
Daniel Kramer covers the Mariners for