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Joe Torre's daughter saves falling baby, becomes the newest Avenger

Tragedy was narrowly averted in Brooklyn on Wednesday, when an unattended one-year-old tumbled off an awning in Bay Ridge. Cristina Torre -- daughter of former Yankees (and Dodgers, and Cardinals, and Braves, and Mets) manager Joe -- was in the right place at the right time, catching the falling baby in her outstretched arms.

There's a perfect superhero[ine] origin story here. Remember that Joe Torre, now MLB's executive vice president of baseball operations, was once the 1971 National League MVP -- and a star behind the plate. Peter Parker was bitten by a radioactive spider; Cristina Torre was born to a legendary catcher.

A senior citizen tripping on the stairs? Cristina Torre will be there. A glass of red wine barreling towards a beige carpet? Cristina Torre will be there. A stray contact lens headed for the sidewalk? Cristina Torre will be there.

Why? Because she's ... the Catcher. (Aaaand we're officially taking suggestions on that name.)

-- Molly Fitzpatrick /