Helfaer Field
Located at the site of the old Milwaukee County Stadium, Helfaer Field is a real-life "Field of Dreams". You will feel the thrill of playing in the Majors every time you step on the diamond at this premier facility, complete with a big-league scoreboard, sound system, and lit playing field. Perfect for softball, youth baseball, kickball, employee outings, corporate events, birthday parties, and much more! Helfaer Field was created for the big leaguer in all of us.
Field Information
The Field
- Outfield Fence is 200 feet from home plate, and 6 feet high
- Base paths are set at 60 feet, cannot adjust distance
- Pitching rubber distance is set at 46 feet, but can adjust between 40-45 feet
- Natural grass featuring irrigation and sub-drainage systems similar to American Family Field
The Pavilions
- Located down the left-field and right-field lines, with full view of the playing field
- Covered seating for approximately 50 guests, adjacent to Men's and Women's restroom facilities
- Open to the public, but can reserve for private use, for a 3-hour rental fee
- Catered meals are available from Delaware North upon request
- Field, dugout, and restrooms are wheelchair and stroller accessible
- 502 bleacher seats, plus 220 additional concourse seats at picnic tables
- Scorer's booth and announcing area complete with sound system and microphones
- Concession stand snacks, hot dogs, candy, and beverages, or catered meals are available upon request
2-Hour Youth Rentals:
Weekdays (Tuesdays-Thursdays): $500
Weekends (Friday-Sunday): $700
2-Hour Adult Rentals:
Weekdays (Tuesdays-Thursdays): $700
Weekends (Friday-Sunday): $850
Please note:
- $100 light fee required for all 6:00 PM and 8:30 PM timeslots.
- Concession stand, if requested open, during a 2-hour rental must enter an agreement with Delaware North and must spend $150 minimum. Contact information will be provided upon request.
- All guests at a 10:30am-12:30pm timeslot prior to a 6:10pm Brewers home game or a 1:00pm-3:00pm timeslot prior to a 6:40pm or 7:10pm Brewers home game, staying for the Brewers home game MUST purchase game tickets and preferred parking passes for that night’s Brewers game. You can purchase preferred parking passes in advance at brewers.com/parking or by calling the ticket office at (414) 902 - 4000. Rental fee does not include game tickets, parking, or food.
3-Hour Pavilion Rentals:
Brewers home game day: $250
Non-game day: $100
Pavilions are on a first-come, first-serve basis. A pavilion fee is required if you would like to reserve the pavilions for private use, otherwise they are a shared space. Rental fee does not include game tickets, parking, or food.
Tailgate Rentals:
Brewers home game day (3:10pm, 6:10pm, and 7:10pm start times): 3 hours for $2,000
Brewers home game day (6:40pm start time): 2.5 hours for $1,500
Only available prior to a Brewers home game, excluding Sundays and any 1:10 PM Brewers home game. All guests at a 3-hour tailgate prior to a Brewers home game event MUST have game tickets and preferred parking passes in advance for that night's game. Rental fee does not include game tickets, parking, or food.
If interested, contact the Helfaer Field Coordinator, for inquiries or to schedule your tailgate rental. You can contact the Helfaer Field Coordinator at Helfaer.Field@brewers.com or call (414) 902-4332.
Reserving Helfaer Field
All Helfaer Field reservations are made easily using our online reservation system! Please download and review all required documents before reserving your Helfaer Field timeslot:
Helfaer Field Rental Agreement
Helfaer Field Release of Liability
Helfaer Field Release of Liability (en español)
Helfaer Field Tailgate Checklist
Click the "Reserve Now" button below to secure your date and timeslot by submitting a $100 non-refundable deposit. The rental agreement and the full payment are due 14 days after you place your order to guarantee your reservation. You will be contacted by the Helfaer Field Coordinator via email after you submit your order.
Please note: To ensure proper management of the facility and staffing, we request you book your event a minimum of 30 days in advance. For additional inquires please contact the Helfaer Field Coordinator via email at Helfaer.Field@Brewers.com.
If you are interested in booking an American Family Field tour for your group, please visit brewers.com/tours for more information!
Contact Information
General Questions: (414) 902-4332
Field Status Hotline: (414) 902-4004
Fax Number: (414) 902-4555
Email: Helfaer.Field@brewers.com
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I check to see if a game was cancelled due to weather or poor field conditions?
You may call the Helfaer Field Hotline at (414) 902 - 4004 for up-to-date information on any rain cancellations.
Can we bring our own food and beverages to Helfaer Field?
Carry-in items are strictly prohibited at Helfaer Field. For your convenience, we offer a concession stand with items for purchase, unless the main contact declined having the stand open. If you want your event catered, you must contact Delaware North at (414) 902 - 4736.
When can we access the field for our event?
The Cooper parking lot will be unlocked one hour prior to your event, and the gates and doors to the facility and the field are unlocked, at the discretion of the Helfaer Field staff member, no more than 30 minutes prior to your game time. Once you give your signed liability waivers to the event staff, you may access the field for warm-ups.
Can we tailgate at Helfaer Field for our event?
Definitely! Tailgating is permitted only in the Cooper parking lot prior to or after your event, depending on what time the lot opens and closes that day. The Cooper lot is unlocked one hour prior to the first game of the day, and locked up 30 minutes after the conclusion of the last game of the day. Grills are not provided, but you may bring your own.
Is there a parking fee for Helfaer Field events?
Parking passes are only required if you are onsite during a 10:30am-12:30pm timeslot prior to a 6:10pm or 6:40pm Brewers home game, a 1:00pm-3:00pm timeslot prior to a 7:10pm Brewers home game, and for a 3-hour tailgate timeslot period prior to a Brewers home game. You can purchase preferred parking passes in advance at brewers.com/parking or by calling the ticket office at (414) 902 - 4000.
Is there an admissions fee to watch a game at Helfaer Field?
No, there is not an admission fee for any event that is open to the public.
What are the dimensions of Helfaer Field?
Outfield Fence: 200 feet
Base paths: 60 feet, cannot adjust
Pitching rubber distance: 40 feet-46 feet
Do you need reservations to use one of the Helfaer Field pavilions?
Pavilions are on a first-come, first-serve basis. A pavilion fee is required if you would like to reserve the pavilions for private use, otherwise they are a shared space. To make a pavilion reservation, please send us an email at Helfaer.Field@brewers.com!
How do we bring our own walk-up music?
You may bring your own music on any device, such as an iPod, phone, tablet, laptop, USB drive, CD, etc. Music should NOT be offensive or explicit, and MUST be appropriate for children. If you bring music, someone from your group should run the music. If you do not have music, the Helfaer Field Event Staff will have music provided.
Can we have an announcer for our event?
Yes! We encourage teams and groups to arrange a guest announcer for their event. This could be anyone from your group including a parent or sibling. To help them out, please ensure they have a lineup card for your event. Microphones are provided at the facility.
Do we have to bring our own equipment?
Yes! Please make sure your teams bring your own bats, balls, gloves, etc. The field will be set-up with bases and the lines are painted. If you are an adult softball group, you must bring your own flight restricted/limited flight "practice" softballs.
Can we bring our pets?
Service animals, as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act, are welcome at Helfaer Field, provided they are accompanied by the handler, trained to provide a service to the handler, and leashed at all times.
House pets are not allowed inside the gates of Helfaer Field.
Is Helfaer Field located where County Stadium used to be?
Yes! Home plate from County Stadium is commemorated with a historical plaque on the third base plaza. Also, the foul poles used at Helfaer Field are the original foul poles from County Stadium.
Why is it called Helfaer Field?
The field is named for Evan Helfaer, a part-owner of the Brewers when they arrived in Milwaukee. A foundation in his name contributed to build the field, and to provide the opportunity for youth baseball teams to play at a premier facility.
What are Delta Dental Family Sundays at Helfaer Field?
Beginning May 4th, 2025, fans are invited to visit and play catch in the outfield free of charge. Delta Dental Family Sundays at Helfaer occur during the 3-hour time period prior to every Sunday home game from 10:10 AM—1:10 PM. The event is subject to change, without notice, due to other events or poor weather conditions.