School Programs

Fans of all ages with multicolored balloons in their hands

The Rockies offer discounted tickets to schools for community outings, fundraising, and class trips!

For specific questions about any of the programs below or to get involved, please contact:

Ryan Tapp
Account Executive, School Groups & Educational Events
[email protected]

School Outings & Fundraising

STEP 1: Pick a game from the schedule of 70 available dates.

STEP 2: Pick a seat location from the map of six areas where specially discounted tickets are available.

STEP 3: Add fundraising dollars to the price of each ticket.

STEP 4: Promote your outing through your community!

Title 1 Schools

Greatly discounted tickets with fundraising opportunities are available to recognized Title 1 schools. Please contact Ryan Tapp at 303-312-2443 or [email protected] for more information.

Day Camp Field Trips

Day camp groups can purchase discounted tickets to select day games throughout the season. Available areas are the Upper Reserved Infield, Upper Reserved Outfield, and Right Field Mezzanine.

Discounted lunch options are available. Single-serving food is allowed in the ballpark for those who would like to bring their own lunch. Contact Ryan Tapp at 303-312-2443 or [email protected] for more information.

Educational Days

STEM Day - 4/25

The Colorado Rockies and Steve Spangler are teaming up to launch the 13th Annual STEM Day at Coors Field! Please join us for this interactive pregame presentation that incorporates STEM into unique demonstrations.

History Day – 4/10 & 9/18

Show your students the history of Coors Field with the 2nd Annual History Day at Coors Field! The Rockies will provide a digital curriculum packet that teachers can use to craft a lesson for their students. We will have concepts that are appropriate for K-12 students, allowing teachers to create a fun, interactive, and educational field trip!

Math Day – 5/9 & 9/18

Show your students to world of math through America’s pastime with the 3rd Annual Math Day at Coors Field! The Rockies will provide a digital curriculum packet that teachers can use to craft a lesson for their students! We will have concepts that are appropriate for K-12 students, allowing teachers to create a fun, interactive, and educational field trip!

Business of Baseball Day - 9/26

The Colorado Rockies welcome students interested in learning about what it is like to work in Major League Baseball! Attendees will enjoy an educational presentation with members of the Rockies front office staff to learn about what it takes to run a professional sports organization. Students will get the chance to ask questions of different department representatives within the Rockies organization.

Discounted lunch options are available. Single-serving food is allowed in the ballpark for those who would like to bring their own lunch.


Individual and collaborative choir days give your school the opportunity to perform “The Star-Spangled Banner” live at Coors Field with a ticket to watch the game. (Minimums apply. Fundraising available). For more information on National Anthem performances, please contact Ryan Tapp at 303-312-2443 or [email protected].

Contact Us

For questions, contact us at [email protected] or at 303-ROCKIES (762-5437).