Future Stars Program


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can my league walk in the parade together?

A: Your team will be walking together in the parade. Once you arrive at the Left Field Gate, there will be specific instructions for where you should go to meet up with the rest of your league.

Q: Can family members walk in the parade?

A: Due to time constraints and safety, the parade is limited to coaches and ballplayers only.

Q: Where should family members go to view the parade?

A: Viewing is allowed from the Field Level Concourse. However, we recommend viewing from your ticketed seats, allowing convenient meet-up following the parade.

Q: Where does parade line exit the field to get back to the seating bowl?

A: The parade will conclude at Section 109, proceed through the tunnel, then take the escalator/stairs at the Right Field Gate back to the Field Level Concourse. From there, managers and coaches will continue to guide their leagues/teams to their ticketed seats.

Q: How long does the parade take?

A: Not including waiting time, the parade will run for approximately 25-45 minutes.