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Korey Lee

Best of the 2024 season

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Korey LeeKorey Lee
Exit Velocity:107.9 mph
Launch Angle:26°
Hit Distance:396 ft
Momentum Swing

Korey Lee hits a solo shot

AB: Korey LeeP: Jack Flaherty

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Korey LeeKorey Lee
Exit Velocity:105.4 mph
Launch Angle:30°
Hit Distance:422 ft
Top Play

Korey Lee hits a solo home run

AB: Korey LeeP: Joe Ryan

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Defensive Gem

Korey Lee's sliding catch

AB: Carlos SantanaP: Michael Soroka

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Exit Velocity:101.6 mph
Launch Angle:32°
Hit Distance:400 ft
Momentum Swing

Korey Lee's solo homer (3)

AB: Korey LeeP: Brock Stewart

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Exit Velocity:16.5 mph
Launch Angle:-7°
Hit Distance:9 ft
Defensive Gem

White Sox nab José Caballero at third

AB: José CaballeroP: Tim Hill

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Exit Velocity:109.8 mph
Launch Angle:27°
Hit Distance:435 ft
Top Play

Korey Lee hits a solo dinger

AB: Korey LeeP: Carlos Carrasco

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Pitch Type:Slider
Pitch Speed:86.1 mph
Spin Rate:2457 rpm
Caught Stealing

White Sox strike-em-out, throw-em-out double play

AB: Jorge MateoP: Justin Anderson

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Exit Velocity:107.3 mph
Launch Angle:36°
Hit Distance:400 ft
Top Play

Korey Lee hits a solo dinger

AB: Korey LeeP: Jordan Romano

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Exit Velocity:105.4 mph
Launch Angle:31°
Hit Distance:414 ft
Top Play

Korey Lee hits a 2-run dinger

AB: Korey LeeP: Tommy Henry

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Exit Velocity:107.5 mph
Launch Angle:26°
Hit Distance:409 ft
Top Play

Korey Lee hits a solo shot

AB: Korey LeeP: Joey Wentz

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Exit Velocity:94.9 mph
Launch Angle:12°
Hit Distance:187 ft
Momentum Swing

Korey Lee drills a triple to tie the game

AB: Korey LeeP: Declan Cronin

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Pitch Type:Four-Seam Fastball
Pitch Speed:94.7 mph
Spin Rate:2344 rpm
Defensive Gem

John Brebbia takes game to extras

AB: Justin FoscueP: John Brebbia

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Caught Stealing

Korey Lee throws out Jonah Heim stealing second base

AB: Jonathan OrnelasP: Tanner Banks

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Exit Velocity:101.8 mph
Launch Angle:12°
Hit Distance:244 ft
Momentum Swing

Korey Lee ties the game with a triple

AB: Korey LeeP: Bailey Ober

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Exit Velocity:108.4 mph
Launch Angle:24°
Hit Distance:407 ft
Momentum Swing

Korey Lee hits a solo blast

AB: Korey LeeP: Luis Gil

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Exit Velocity:81.6 mph
Launch Angle:
Hit Distance:122 ft
Momentum Swing

Korey Lee hits a single to tie the game

AB: Korey LeeP: Spencer Bivens

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Exit Velocity:108.2 mph
Launch Angle:16°
Hit Distance:309 ft
Momentum Swing

Korey Lee's double plates a run

AB: Korey LeeP: Keider Montero

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Caught Stealing

Korey Lee catches Trevor Story stealing

AB: Jarren DuranP: Chris Flexen

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Exit Velocity:102.9 mph
Launch Angle:22°
Hit Distance:370 ft
Momentum Swing

Korey Lee hits a solo dinger

AB: Korey LeeP: Yu Darvish

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Exit Velocity:101.6 mph
Launch Angle:22°
Hit Distance:371 ft
Momentum Swing

Korey Lee hits a 2-run home run

AB: Korey LeeP: José Suarez