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Bryson Stott

Best of the 2024 season

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Bryson StottBryson Stott
Defensive Gem

Bryson Stott grabs a line drive

AB: Jonathan IndiaP: Spencer Turnbull

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Bryson StottBryson Stott
Exit Velocity:105.7 mph
Launch Angle:24°
Hit Distance:394 ft
Momentum Swing

Bryson Stott hits a 2-run dinger

AB: Bryson StottP: Michael King

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Exit Velocity:103.9 mph
Launch Angle:36°
Hit Distance:395 ft
Momentum Swing

Bryson Stott's second homer of the day (3)

AB: Bryson StottP: Michael King

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Exit Velocity:89.9 mph
Launch Angle:-2°
Hit Distance:32 ft
Momentum Swing

Bryson Stott ties the game with a triple

AB: Bryson StottP: Anthony Maldonado

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Exit Velocity:103.6 mph
Launch Angle:24°
Hit Distance:386 ft
Top Play

Bryson Stott hits a solo dinger

AB: Bryson StottP: Edwin Díaz

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Exit Velocity:103.1 mph
Launch Angle:36°
Hit Distance:370 ft
Momentum Swing

Bryson Stott hits a solo homer

AB: Bryson StottP: MacKenzie Gore

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Defensive Gem

Bryson Stott grabs a line drive

AB: Elehuris MonteroP: Ranger Suárez

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Defensive Gem

Bryson Stott makes a great diving play

AB: Alec BurlesonP: José Alvarado

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Defensive Gem

Bryson Stott's diving stop

AB: Sal FrelickP: Jeff Hoffman

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Defensive Gem

Bryson Stott's great play

AB: Max KeplerP: Zack Wheeler

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Defensive Gem

Bryson Stott makes a great play

AB: Will BrennanP: Tyler Phillips

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Defensive Gem

Bryson Stott makes a quick play to get the runner

AB: Anthony VolpeP: Aaron Nola

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Exit Velocity:101.6 mph
Launch Angle:28°
Hit Distance:404 ft
Momentum Swing

Bryson Stott hits a solo shot

AB: Bryson StottP: Yimi García

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Defensive Gem

Bryson Stott's diving play and flip

AB: Juan YepezP: Aaron Nola

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Exit Velocity:97.6 mph
Launch Angle:40°
Hit Distance:359 ft
Momentum Swing

Bryson Stott hits a solo homer

AB: Bryson StottP: Jake Irvin

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Defensive Gem

Bryson Stott's diving grab kickstarts double play

AB: Matt OlsonP: Cristopher Sánchez

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Defensive Gem

Johan Rojas' diving catch

AB: Matt OlsonP: José Ruiz

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Exit Velocity:104.5 mph
Launch Angle:31°
Hit Distance:406 ft
Momentum Swing

Bryson Stott hits a solo dinger

AB: Bryson StottP: Adam Oller

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Defensive Gem

Bryson Stott's smooth sliding play

AB: José TenaP: Aaron Nola

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Exit Velocity:80.8 mph
Launch Angle:13°
Hit Distance:161 ft
Momentum Swing

Bryson Stott ties the game with a triple

AB: Bryson StottP: Edwin Díaz