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Jonah Heim

Best of the 2024 season

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Exit Velocity:103.6 mph
Launch Angle:16°
Hit Distance:324 ft
Walk Off

Jonah Heim hits a walk-off single in the 10th

AB: Jonah HeimP: Drew Smyly

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Exit Velocity:105.7 mph
Launch Angle:21°
Hit Distance:393 ft
Momentum Swing

Jonah Heim hits a solo home run in the 2nd (1)

AB: Jonah HeimP: Alex Wood

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Exit Velocity:103.9 mph
Launch Angle:29°
Hit Distance:408 ft
Top Play

Jonah Heim belts a three-run home run to right field

AB: Jonah HeimP: J.P. France

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Exit Velocity:104.8 mph
Launch Angle:22°
Hit Distance:375 ft
Momentum Swing

Jonah Heim hits a 2-run dinger

AB: Jonah HeimP: Kenta Maeda

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Caught Stealing

José Leclerc Ball to Ty France

AB: Ty FranceP: José Leclerc

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Exit Velocity:107.4 mph
Launch Angle:22°
Hit Distance:351 ft
Momentum Swing

Jonah Heim hits a solo dinger

AB: Jonah HeimP: James McArthur

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Caught Stealing

Jonah Heim nabs Andrés Giménez at second base

AB: José RamírezP: Michael Lorenzen

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Exit Velocity:100.7 mph
Launch Angle:33°
Hit Distance:379 ft
Momentum Swing

Jonah Heim hits a solo home run

AB: Jonah HeimP: Tyler Anderson

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Exit Velocity:103.5 mph
Launch Angle:30°
Hit Distance:386 ft
Momentum Swing

Jonah Heim hits a 2-run shot

AB: Jonah HeimP: Mason Englert

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Exit Velocity:106.5 mph
Launch Angle:
Hit Distance:253 ft
Defensive Gem

Rangers' relay nabs tying run at home

AB: Jason HeywardP: Kirby Yates

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Exit Velocity:107.4 mph
Launch Angle:28°
Hit Distance:411 ft
Momentum Swing

Jonah Heim hits a solo homer

AB: Jonah HeimP: Dallas Keuchel

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Exit Velocity:102.7 mph
Launch Angle:32°
Hit Distance:399 ft
Momentum Swing

Jonah Heim hits a 3-run home run

AB: Jonah HeimP: Dean Kremer

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Pitch Type:Sweeper
Pitch Speed:81.8 mph
Spin Rate:2723 rpm
Defensive Gem

Rangers nab Luis Robert Jr. at home

AB: Andrew VaughnP: Michael Lorenzen

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Exit Velocity:97.9 mph
Launch Angle:-9°
Hit Distance:13 ft
Momentum Swing

Jonah Heim hits a single to tie the game

AB: Jonah HeimP: John Brebbia

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Exit Velocity:100.3 mph
Launch Angle:36°
Hit Distance:367 ft
Momentum Swing

Jonah Heim hits a 3-run dinger

AB: Jonah HeimP: Tanner Houck

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Exit Velocity:97.2 mph
Launch Angle:27°
Hit Distance:383 ft
Momentum Swing

Jonah Heim hits a go-ahead home run in the 10th

AB: Jonah HeimP: Zack Kelly

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Pitch Type:Cutter
Pitch Speed:-
Spin Rate:2613 rpm
Defensive Gem

Jonah Heim completes double play to end inning

AB: Royce LewisP: David Robertson

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Exit Velocity:97.9 mph
Launch Angle:31°
Hit Distance:373 ft
Momentum Swing

Jonah Heim hits a 2-run homer

AB: Jonah HeimP: Joey Estes

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Defensive Gem

Jonah Heim picks off Tyler Soderstrom at third

AB: Seth BrownP: Nathan Eovaldi

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Exit Velocity:105.0 mph
Launch Angle:20°
Hit Distance:404 ft
Momentum Swing

Jonah Heim hits a solo blast

AB: Jonah HeimP: Scott Alexander