All About Raymond
Raymond's Stats
- Full Name: Raymond Ray
- Birthplace: Gulf of Mexico
- Age: Unknown
- Height: Really tall
- Weight: Really heavy
- MLB debut: June 21, 1998
- Position: Upright and locked
- Throws: Fun around the ballpark
- Catches: Colds
- Bats: Scare him
Raymond's Favorites
- Color: Blue...duh
- Songs: "Blue" and "Mozart's 5th Concerto"
- TV Show: I'd rather be reading!
- Books: HAIRY Potter, Monsters Under My Bed, Wuthering Heights
- Movies: "The Rookie" and "Monsters, Inc."
Likes: Rays baseball, belly dancing, hugs, hot dogs, doing flips, full contact shuffle board, poodle shaving, extreme chess, reading, and KIDS!
Dislikes: Hairballs, taking baths, getting nacho cheese in his fur, falling off walls.
In early 1998, Rays scouts on a fishing trip in the Gulf of Mexico spotted a strange looking animal. The creature, apparently drawn to the boat by the smell of hotdogs on the hibachi, climbed aboard and soon won the scouts over with his silly antics. During the excitement, a scout had a brilliant idea: make this fun loving fuzz ball the mascot for the new baseball team. "Raymond" as the scouts dubbed him, immediately accepted their contract offer of all the hotdogs he could eat, all the high fives he could handle, and the ability to shake his groove thing to countless Tampa Bay fans.
Raymond's animal-like appearance causes confusion among fans of all ages. His fuzzy face is similar to a walrus and his bulbous blue belly likens him to a mutant manatee. So what exactly is he?
In 2005 marine biologists and zoologists made a startling discovery; Raymond is actually a previously undiscovered species of dog known as "Canus Manta Whatthefluffalus" or in layman's terms, a Seadog. Seadogs have all the traits of normal dogs. They enjoy going for walks, playing with kids, and fetching. Unlike other dogs they are five to six feet tall, walk upright, are blue in color, and chase catfish. While other dogs live on land, Seadogs usually live in or around the water. Seadogs are well known for their fun-loving nature, passion for baseball, and general good looks.
All About DJ Kitty
- Full Name: DJ Kitty
- Birthplace: Tropicana Field (found out back near dumpsters)
- Age: Nine lives
- Height: 6 ft
- Weight: 200 lbs
- MLB debut: 2010
- Position: DDJ Designated Disc Jockey
- Throws: Down the hottest scratches
- Catches: The beat, throws it right back
- Bats: Are great delicacies
- Color: Navy
- Food: Caviar, sushi, mullet
- Songs: "Year of the Cat" by Al Stewart
- TV Show: Josie and the Pussycats
- Books: A Book of String Figures
- Movies: "Diamonds are Forever"
All About Stinger
Stinger is a cow nosed stingray. He is the largest of his species. In 2013, he was chasing clams into the shallows of the Gulf of Mexico when he ran into Raymond, the lovable Rays mascot. He was later offered the job of being a greeter at the Rays touch tank that sits above center field. He is the only ray allowed outside of the 10,000 gallon tank. Mostly seen on Sundays, Stinger enjoys entertaining crowds who come by to visit with his underwater friends.
- Full Name: Stinger
- Birthplace: Gulf of Mexico
- Age: Five
- Height: 5'5"
- Weight: 150 lbs
- MLB debut: 2014
- Position: Designated Greeter
- Throws: High fives
- Catches: Up with fans at the Ray Tank on Sunday
- Bats: Can't swim
Stinger's Favorites
- Color: Gray
- Food: Clams, oysters, fish
- Songs: "Fins" by Jimmy Buffett
- TV Show: SpongeBob SquarePants
- Books: Underwater Adventure
- Movies: "Dolphin Tale"