In celebration of being Canada's team, and just in time for the Canada 150 festivities, the TORONTO BLUE JAYS today announced the team will don a new red and white uniform for select games throughout the 2017 season and beyond. The announcement was made as part of the BLUE JAYS 2017 WINTER TOUR presented by TD currently taking place in Toronto, featuring Blue Jays players and alumni.
Made by Majestic, the new "Canadiana" look will be worn at every Sunday home game in 2017, as well as select games in the month of July at Rogers Centre in honour of the Canada 150 celebrations.
"I've always been a fan of the red jerseys. I'm glad we got them into the rotation," said Aaron Sanchez, Pitcher, Toronto Blue Jays. "We know we play for an entire country, so it's nice to have a uniform that acknowledges our fans from across Canada."
Select versions of the new uniforms are available for fans to purchase beginning today at all Jays Shop locations in Toronto and online, featuring the following items:
• Authentic and replica jerseys (adult and women's sizing)
• Stretch-fit, adjustable and on-field caps
Jays Shop locations include Rogers Centre (Gate 5) and the Toronto Eaton Centre. Fans can also visit or call 1-877-JaysShop (877-529-7746).
Blue Jays unveil new 'Canadiana' uniforms
In celebration of being Canada's team, and just in time for the Canada 150 festivities, the TORONTO BLUE JAYS today announced the team will don a new red and white uniform for select games throughout the 2017 season and beyond. The announcement was made as part of the BLUE JAYS 2017 WINTER TOUR presented by TD currently taking place in Toronto, featuring Blue Jays players and alumni.
January 20th, 2017