This young fan's gesture will warm your heart

May 30th, 2021

Here’s yet another reason that baseball is the best. In the seventh inning of the Giants-Dodgers game on FOX on Saturday, the broadcast showed San Francisco right fielder Mike Yastrzemski handing a baseball to a young fan in the outfield, placing it in his glove.

That, alone, is heartwarming -- but there’s more. The young boy got high fives and fist bumps from those around him, before whispering to a woman in a Giants shirt, presumably his mother, and pointing to the Dodgers fan sitting on his other side.

The young fan handed the ball to the woman, who initially seemed to think he was just showing it to her. After she tried to hand it back, he gestured that it was for her.

Not only did this fan get a memorable moment at the ballpark, he decided to share it with a fellow fan, who appeared to be rooting for the opposing team. What a moment.

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Sarah Langs is a reporter/editor for based in New York. Listen to her on the Ballpark Dimensions podcast with Mandy Bell.