Every time a player debuts in the Major Leagues, it's cause for celebration, the fulfillment of a life-long dream. After their initial excitement, though, most debuts get lost in the shuffle. The player may stay up for good, finding success in a long and fruitful career, or he might get sent back down to the Minors only to reappear a few years down the road.
But for the purposes of this quiz, what happens later is of no import. All that matters is that day when the player's entire career was unwritten.
Here's how it works: We'll give you a list of four players and then you tell us which year all four made their debuts. They could certainly do it. The questions remains, however: Can you?
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Eric Chesterton is a writer for MLB.com. He is an appreciator of the stolen base, the bunt against the shift and nearly every unconventional uniform design. He eagerly awaits Jamie Moyer's inevitable comeback.