Lincecum paid teammate to drink dressing

When a ballplayer gets bored ...

January 15th, 2021

What goes on beyond the clubhouse doors when the press isn't in there and the players are able to relax? Sure, some players probably stretch their muscles or play video games on the giant TVs. Maybe others make a few phone calls and pay some bills.

But far more important are the pranks. When you and 24 friends are shoved in a room with nothing to do before a game, what else should you do?

One of the most popular activities is eating things you probably shouldn't. Brad Penny once dared a clubhouse attendant to drink a gallon of milk. Miles Mikolas ate a lizard.

Former big leaguer Tyler Wagner got in on the action when he was in the Rangers system in 2018. While there, he was briefly teammates with Giants legend Tim Lincecum. Though Lincecum only pitched in 10 games for the Triple-A Round Rock Express, the two-time Cy Young winner still managed to make a big impact by daring Wagner to drink an entire container of Italian dressing for $1,000.

Wagner shared the story on Twitter on Thursday with photos revealing the buildup and conclusion of the stunt:

In the end, Lincecum paid up -- noting on the check's memo field that it was for Wagner "being awesome." Lincecum even tacked on an extra $250 because it was "rough to watch." While Wagner got his money, we sadly have no idea how uncomfortable he was sitting in the bullpen the rest of the day, or if he'd ever do it again.

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