He wanted what?! 4 of the strangest contract clauses

December 9th, 2023

It's free-agent signing season, and sure, players will be asking for big contracts with big money.

But some guys, sometimes, want a little something extra.

A clause that will keep them comfortable in their new city. A perk that'll ultimately bring them over the line in making their final decision. It could be access to a fun non-baseball activity, an extra incentive for their family or, you know, 37 boxes of orange Jell-O.

Here are some of the more fun player contract clauses over the years.

AJ Burnett, 8 limo rides across two countries

When Burnett signed a five-year deal with the Blue Jays back in 2005, he made sure his family -- who lived in Baltimore -- would be able to get to at least eight of his games in style during the season. The flamethrower arranged eight roundtrip limo rides from Maryland across the northern border (that's about nine hours) into the contract. His wife, Karen, apparently doesn't like to fly.

Pickup trucks were never considered as the family's mode of transport in any of the negotiations.

George Brett, becoming a landlord

Brett signed a "lifetime contract" with the Royals in 1984. Not only did it give him a good chunk of change for the time, but it also gave him an investment for the future: The Hall of Famer received part ownership of an apartment complex in Memphis. KC's owner Avron Fogelman was a real estate baron and thought the added incentive might be the thing to make Brett say yes. The infielder would get a $1 million cash flow from the 1,100-unit building and the right to sell back his stake to the team for $2 million.

Let's just hope those Tennessee tenants remembered to pay their rent. You really don't want angry landlord George Brett coming after you.

Troy Glaus, horse-riding lessons

Ann Glaus, wife of former All-Star third baseman Troy, is a world-class equestrian star. She's been competing in dressage, cross country and show-jumping competitions since the age of 7. So when Troy was in discussions for his four-year deal with the D-backs in the mid-2000s, he made sure there was a horse clause. The team would have to put up $75,000 per year for training and lessons at a stable in Arizona.

After one season with the D-backs, Glaus was traded to the Blue Jays -- possibly putting the equestrian money in jeopardy. But the Blue Jays decided to put up even more support for Ann's passion, giving $325,000 per year for Glaus' wife to continue to maintain her stable in Arizona.

Charlie Kerfeld, 37 cases of orange Jell-O

If you followed Charlie Kerfeld's career, you shouldn't be surprised.

The colorful reliever routinely wore a lucky Jetson's T-shirt under his jersey, he sported conehead masks in the bullpen and he once said he'd love to become a wrestler and fight alongside Charles Barkley and Hulk Hogan.

And in 1987, when he thought he wasn't getting enough of a raise after a career year in 1986, he tried to stick it to Astros ownership by asking for perhaps the weirdest thing any pro athlete has ever asked for: 37 cases of orange Jell-O (37 because Kerfeld wore the No. 37 for the Astros).

"I wanted the Jell-O so [Astros reliever] Larry Andersen and I could pull a prank on some coach or unsuspecting reporter this season," Kerfeld said at the time. "When they least expect it, they might find some orange Jell-O in their toilet or the whirlpool or something. I chose orange because we won't be wearing our orange uniforms anymore."

No word on what specific prank Kerfeld ended up using the Jell-O for and, honestly, let's hope we never find out.