Banister ejected after disputing reversal on fan interference
Rangers manager gets tossed for first time, says he'll stand up for team

ANAHEIM --Jeff Banister was ejected for the first time this season for arguing a call that had been reversed by instant replay.
Elvis Andrus, leading off the eighth inning, hit a foul ball down the right-field line that Kole Calhoun chased to the wall but couldn't catch. Angels manager Mike Scioscia went out and asked for a review, claiming that a fan had interfered with Calhoun.
The umpires reviewed the call and ruled there was fan interference. Andrus was called out and Banister started out of the dugout. He was warned by first-base umpire Jim Reynolds but kept coming and was immediately ejected. Banister still had his say before leaving the field.
"I know the call is going to stand, but I'm going to stand up for my ballclub and what I believe in," Banister said. "At that moment, an outfielder in full sprint, there is no guarantee he is going to catch the ball. I just felt it would be an outstanding catch if he had caught the ball with no fan interference. I'm not going to assume he is going to catch the baseball."