This is how you use Photo Day to scare your teammates

We should all be so proud of our photos

March 9th, 2020

Jared Hughes is the king of Photo Day. Like a movie star, when that camera shutter clicks, Hughes knows exactly how to serve mean looks to that lens. Of course, if he is a movie star, he's Nic Cage. That's because, just like Cage, Hughes is an agent of chaos -- showing range that's either Oscar worthy or ... whatever this is.

Hughes can be deadly serious:

He can be confused and inquisitive:

And he can be the most joyous man you've ever seen:

But this year, Hughes knew his photo shouldn't only be used on scoreboards whenever he entered the game. No, he knew that all of his teammates needed a copy to keep; to hang on the fridge, to frame and hang in an honored place above the fireplace.

Forget Christmas cards or Halloween cards (they're a thing -- believe me, I know). This is what we should be doing for our friends, family, neighbors and people we pass on the subway. Take your weirdest photo, pass them around. Let's do it for Jared.

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