Crawford graces bobblehead for Giant Race

July 14th, 2016
Race participants will receive this medal.
Race participants will receive this medal.

SAN FRANCISCO -- The familiar Giants logo will make a joint appearance with cherished national iconography on the medal that will be distributed to participants in The Giant Race, scheduled for Sept. 11.
The medal, unveiled today, bears the shape of the continental United States, with a design that's evocative of the U.S. flag. The left side bears white stars against a dark blue field; the right side features alternating red and white stripes. The orange interlocking "SF" appears in the middle.
Entrants also will receive a special edition bobblehead of shortstop gripping an American flag, The figure also sports running shorts and an orange Giants jersey with a runner's number cleverly "pinned" to the jersey.

The race consists of four separate events: a half-marathon, a 10K, 5K and a kids' race that sends youths one, two or three laps around the ballpark's warning track, depending on the age group.
The adult course begins at AT&T Park and continues along the Embarcadero to Crissy Field before leading back to the ballpark.
The event's official charity partner is Project Open Hand, which specializes in providing nutritious meals to senior citizens. Runners have the opportunity to get a free entry and a Giants game ticket if they commit to fundraising for Project Open Hand.
For race information, please consult

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Chris Haft has covered the Giants since 2005, and for since 2007. Follow him on Twitter at @sfgiantsbeat and listen to his podcast.