OG Lt. Dan meets Cubs' Lt. Dan at Wrigley

September 8th, 2023

Lieutenant Dan and Wrigley Field. It just sounds right, doesn’t it?

After all, there’s a Lieutenant Dans(by) regularly patrolling shortstop for the Cubs in that venerable ballpark, with Dansby Swanson (@LieutenantDans7 on social media) tied for the MLB lead among all position players with 15 outs above average.

And on Thursday night, the original Lieutenant Dan, from the film "Forrest Gump," was at Wrigley, too. Gary Sinise, who played Lieutenant Dan Taylor in the 1994 movie, was on the North Side of Chicago and posted a photo on social media showing him standing with Swanson on the field.

Sinise also had the honor of singing "Take Me Out to the Ballgame" during the seventh-inning stretch.

It’s Lieutenant Dans’ favorite place to play ball. And it’s Lieutenant Dan’s favorite place in the world. On Thursday, it was the site at which the two finally met.

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Manny Randhawa is a reporter for MLB.com based in Denver.