Nunez guts it out as body takes beating in G3

October 27th, 2018

LOS ANGELES -- could only chuckle while reflecting on his eventful World Series Game 3 on Friday night/Saturday morning at Dodger Stadium.
That's not to say the affable Boston infielder wasn't upset that his team lost. But after playing more than seven hours and having no fewer than four incidents that could have led to serious injury, Nunez was probably just happy to be standing upright and talking about the Red Sox's 3-2 18-inning loss to the Dodgers.
:: World Series schedule and results ::
In fact, there were a few times the cameras caught Nunez laughing at himself during these incidents. Not because it was funny. More because this game, was, well, crazy.
"I was laughing because everything happened at the wrong time," Nunez said. "I was like, 'Unbelievable, man. I have to go, I have to go.'"
13th inning of WS Game 3 was an adventure
That's an understatement. Perhaps Nunez should have come out of the game after he landed on his back in an odd collision with catcher while batting in the 13th. Surely, on the next play, he should have been lifted for a pinch-runner after he slid headfirst into first base after sending a chopper to no-man's land on the right side of the infield.
Or maybe Nunez's night would have been done after he flipped over the railing retrieving 's foul ball.
But Boston was out of players and, therefore, Nunez had to play on.
"That's not my choice -- I never want to leave the game," Nunez said. "That's the manager's choice. But tonight, we didn't have any more players."
So Nunez played. And played. And played. Even after he stumbled on the mound catching a infield popup in the 16th. This was no time for bumps and bruises and aches and pains. The Red Sox's bench was empty. Nunez had to play on.

"Actually after the dirt ball, when the catcher ran over him, he felt he was in bad shape," manager Alex Cora said. "But ... he's like, 'I'm not coming out.' I said, 'Well, you can't come out. We have no more players.'"

Said Nunez, chuckling: "We didn't have any more players. I had no choice. I had to keep playing."

Nunez's efforts were lauded by his teammates after the game.
"Nuney is rolling around on the field every chance he gets, it seems like, battling through his leg problems and the game being this long obviously makes it extremely difficult," said. "The effort that was given tonight by everybody that played was outstanding. I mean, everybody played. We obviously want to be on the other side of the game. We gave everything we had."

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Alyson Footer is a national correspondent for Follow her on

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