Kershaw's return date coming into focus

May 22nd, 2018

LOS ANGELES -- could be less than two weeks away from returning to the Dodgers' rotation, based on a tentative timeline manager Dave Roberts provided on Monday.
"He's going to throw a bullpen [session] on Wednesday, around 30 or 40 pitches, then a simulated situation on Saturday, three or four innings up and down," said Roberts. "If that goes well, then we can figure out where to pencil him in."
Roberts said Kershaw is symptom-free from the biceps tendinitis that put him on the disabled list after his May 1 start in Arizona.
"Now it's just more of executing pitches and building back his arm," Roberts said.
It's unclear whether Kershaw will pitch a Minor League rehab game.
Hill wants waiver to tape blistered finger
Rich Hill, placed on the disabled list after his latest blister halted Saturday's start at two pitches, resumed playing catch with his left middle fingertip taped. Although rules prevent it, Hill said he wants to request from MLB a waiver to allow him to tape the finger during games.
"Hitters have batting gloves, and they get blisters all the time," Hill said. "They can tape their hands and do whatever they need to do to grip the bat and swing. This is really something that wouldn't be much different, in my opinion. I think it is an extremely valid point."
Roberts said, "I don't see that happening."
Here's why, according to Rule 6.02 (c)(7):
The pitcher may not attach anything to either hand, any finger or either wrist (e.g., Band-Aid, tape, Super Glue, bracelet, etc.). The umpire shall determine if such attachment is indeed a foreign substance for the purpose of Rule 6.02(c)(7), but in no case may the pitcher be allowed to pitch with such attachment to his hand, finger or wrist.
As for the continued throwing, Hill said it helps the skin form a callous. He said his latest blister is worse than any he had last year and more like the one he had when the Dodgers acquired him from Oakland in 2016. That one bothered him for most of two months.
Stewart expected to join Dodgers on Tuesday
The Dodgers put on the taxi list in anticipation of recalling him from Triple-A Oklahoma City on Tuesday, but Roberts stopped short of naming Stewart the starting pitcher. will start on Wednesday, getting an extra day of rest after pitching eight scoreless innings in Miami.

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Ken Gurnick has covered the Dodgers for since 2001.