ST. PETERSBURG -- Brandon Guyer can't say enough good things about his wife, Lindsay, who is the primary caretaker for their children while he pursues his career as an outfielder for the Rays.
"Honestly, I don't know how she does it with us being on the road so much," Brandon said. "And now that we have two kids, her doing everything on her own. I don't know if it's something I could do. That's got to be the hardest job out there, to be a stay-at-home mom with two kids, or however many kids. Just one kid is tough enough."
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Prior to the births of their children -- daughter Riley (1) and son, Camden (born in March) -- Lindsay had worked as a sports anchor in Washington, D.C., which meant living apart for much of the year because of the demands of their jobs. But once Riley was born, Lindsay put her career on hold to move from anchor to mother.
"I know it was a hard transition, because she was in a great market, doing well there and loving it there," Brandon said. "So for her to do that, I have so much respect for her. It's got to be tough for her to give up her career. Something she's worked so hard for. She's made a smooth transition, a lot better than I'm sure I would do if I was in that situation."
:: Mother's Day 2016 ::
Lindsay said being a mother and being able to watch Brandon's career unfold trumped her career.
"I made it a point to tell him that when we started a family I would be willing to step away from work to raise kids and be there with them," she said. "Honestly, I'm so glad I did. I didn't know what I was missing being away from baseball. And now I have a taste of it, and it's just awesome."
She does miss certain aspects of her job, though.
"Having a schedule, getting up, knowing you have to be somewhere," she said. "Getting ready for the day, because sometimes with [the kids], I don't get ready for the day, or I'll go get ready at the last minute. I guess it's just the hustle in the media business.
"You have a goal, you have a game you're at, you're hustling to get the sound. You want to get your story out there. It's completely different when you're a parent and you have to be on their schedule and stuff like that. I just miss the grind and the hustle the most."
Lindsay would like to get back on TV and resume her career at some point, but for now, she says, "I'd like to ride out this baseball thing, because you don't know how long it's going to last or where it's going to take you."
"So I'm on pause for right now," Lindsay said. "And if I don't get back on TV, I foresee myself doing something. Hopefully TV is still an option when I get back to doing that. But right now, I really just want to enjoy baseball."
Bill Chastain has covered the Rays for since 2005.