ALDS Game 4: Luis Severino postgame interview
Q. Seve, what did you think was the biggest difference between tonight and the last time you pitched? Right from the get-go, did you feel a difference?
LUIS SEVERINO: A big difference was I go for one inning and I got through six innings. I was feeling great. The location on my pitches was great. So I think that was the big difference.
Q. Luis, how important was it to get through the first inning one, two, three, without any problems?
LUIS SEVERINO: It was important to me. Last time, when I get a one, two, three inning, I was feeling happy. I know that I got to get my best stuff over there today because I want to get to Game 5. So feeling great.
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Q. You had to be getting a little tired towards the end. You went a long way into the seventh, threw over 100 pitches. How much did the stadium help you through when they started chanting? Did that give you a boost to finish strong?
LUIS SEVERINO: Of course. I hear the stadium calling my name, so I know I've got to go over there and get the extra half that I work all year. So I just want to go over there, try to have fun and help the team win.
Q. Luis, you gave up Santana, the two-run homer in the fourth, and Perez the homer in the fifth. How did you straighten out after that?
LUIS SEVERINO: I think that was two good pitches. I threw a slider, back door. Got a great swing.
Same Perez. I throw a fastball outside. He hit it good. That was it. I didn't do nothing that bad, you know. Talked to Gary, see the pitches, where it was, and he told me to get more break in my slider and try to get ahead in the count. That was it.
Q. Luis, last night, you talked about trying to stay calm, even telling yourself to breathe. How did you go about actually going through that process on the mound?
LUIS SEVERINO: I think if I don't do that, it's not going to help me because I talked to Gary. When you see me doing something, you know, maybe rushing, talk to me, go talk to me and say, "Hey, calm down. Make a pitch." Because at times, I tend to overthrow, something like that.
So when he go over to the mound to say, "Hey, you know, don't overthrow. Calm down, make your pitch and you're going to be good."
Q. Luis, Joe was in here earlier and said that after a tough few days, when you guys lost game two and Joe felt bad about the decisions he made, he feels like you guys picked him up by winning these next two games and coming through. Do you feel like you helped pick him up after the tough times that you guys had, losing two?
LUIS SEVERINO: I think Joe is a great manager. He's human. You can do mistakes. But we've got a great team. We've got a young team and they're hungry to play. We're going to do that. Every day we go to the field. We're going to try to win. We're going to try to do 100 percent, you know.