League | Agency | Commissioner Name | Email |
Antioch | City of Antioch | Antioch Recreation Department | sports@antiochca.gov |
Arvin- Bear Mountain | Bear Mountain Recreation and Park District | Rosalva Gonzalez | rgonzalez@bearmtnprk.com |
Brentwood | City of Brentwood Parks and Recreation | JJ Brannan | jbrannan@brentwoodca.gov |
Castroville | North County Recreation and Park District | Isai Rivera | Isai@ncrpd.org |
Chico | Chico Area Recreation and Park District | Erin Gonzales | egonzales@chicorec.com |
Citrus Heights | Sunrise Recreation and Park District | Gary Oversen | garyoversenjrgiants@gmail.com |
Clearlake | City of Clearlake | Tina Viramontes | tviramontes@clearlake.ca.us |
Concord | Concord Junior Giants | Ana Villalobos | ana.villalobos@cchealth.org |
Corning | City of Corning | Jesenia Rodriguez | jrodriguez@corning.org |
Cottonwood | Cottonwood Junior Giants | Christine Flood | cottonwoodjrgiants@gmail.com |
Daly City | Daly City Library and Recreation Services | Rhod Banda | rbanda@dalycity.org |
Del Norte County | Del Norte Recreation Department | John Horner | jhorner@co.del-norte.ca.us |
East Palo Alto | City of East Palo Alto | Maurice Baker | mbaker@cityofepa.org |
Fernley | Boys & Girls Club of Truckee Meadows (Fernley) | Oscar Aguilar | fernleyathletics@bgctm.org |
Fresno JJC | Juvenile Justice Campus Boys & Girls Clubs | Mary Lou Ramirez | marylour@bgclubfc.org |
Greenfield | Greenfield Recreation Department | Galilea Silva | Gsilva@ci.greenfield.ca.us |
Half Moon Bay | Half Moon Bay Junior Giants | Phil Hophan | philhophan@gmail.com |
Hanford | Kings County Sheriff's Activities League | Mike Cortez | mike.cortez@co.kings.ca.us |
Healdsburg | City of Healdsburg | Veronica Salas | vsalas@healdsburg.gov |
Hollister | City of Hollister Recreation Department | Armando Medina | armando.medina@hollister.ca.gov |
Kelseyville | Lake County Sheriff's Activities League | Liz McElroy | mcelroy.liz88@gmail.com |
Lamont- Bear Mountain | Bear Mountain Recreation and Park District | Rosalva Gonzalez | rgonzalez@bearmtnprk.com |
Lathrop | City of Lathrop | Zavanah Mastel | zmastel@ci.lathrop.ca.us |
Livingston | Livingston Recreation Junior Giants | Jacquelyn Benoit | jbenoit@livingstoncity.com |
Lodi | City of Lodi Parks, Recreation, and Cultural Services | Tyler Ashbaugh | tashbaugh@lodi.gov |
Lompoc | City of Lompoc Parks & Recreation | Chad Dawson | c_dawson@ci.lompoc.ca.us |
Los Banos | Los Banos Police Activities League | Noah Jones | noah.jones@losbanos.org |
Los Molinos | Los Molinos Junior Giants | Shelby King | shelbytbaccala@gmail.com |
Manteca | Manteca Recreation & Community Services | Ashlea Green | agreen@mantecagov.com |
Marin City | Play Marin | Paul Austin | paustin@playmarin.org |
Marina | Marina Police Activities League | Alisa Smith | alisas@cfmco.org |
Medford | City of Medford | Daniel Ghelfi | daniel.ghelfi@cityofmedford.org |
Merced (City) | City of Merced | Lamnguene Kindavong | kindavongl@cityofmerced.org |
Merced- Franklin/Beachwood | Merced County Recreation Department | Berenice Rodriguez | berenicesfgiants@gmail.com |
Merced- Planada | Merced County Recreation Department | Sasha Warren | sashawarren.jrgiants.planada@gmail.com |
Merced- Winton | Merced County Recreation Department | Susan Ochoa | susanochoa99@gmail.com |
Milpitas | Milpitas Police Activities League | Ty Brewer | ty_gabhart@live.com |
Modesto | City of Modesto Parks, Recreation and Neighborhoods Department | Stephanie Navarro | snavarro@modestogov.com |
Mt. Shasta | Mt. Shasta Recreation and Parks District | Shannon Shaw | shannon@msrec.org |
Napa | City of Napa Parks & Recreation Services | Dan Opperman | dopperman@cityofnapa.org |
Newark | City of Newark | Jessennia Taimani | jessennia.taimani@newark.org |
Orangevale | Orangevale Recreation and Parks District | Andrew Gross | Andrew@ovparks.com |
Oroville | Feather River Recreation and Park District | Brian Wilson | brianw@frrpd.com |
Paso Robles | Paso Robles Police Activities League | Walter Canizalez | WCanizalez@prcity.com |
Patterson | City of Patterson | Kevin Defranco | kdefranco@ci.patterson.ca.us |
Pittsburg | City of Pittsburg | Jerry Johnson | jjohnson@pittsburgca.gov |
Porterville | City of Porterville Parks & Leisure Services | Tonya Hall | thall@ci.porterville.ca.us |
Rancho Cordova | Rancho Cordova Police Activites League | Cindy Xiong | rcpdpal@ranchocordovapd.com |
Rancho Tehama | Rancho Tehama Junior Giants | Janice Menzies | janicemenzies001@gmail.com |
Red Bluff | Red Bluff Junior Giants | Matthew Stinson | mstins99@gmail.com |
Redding | Redding Recreation | Tori Hughes | thughes@cityofredding.org |
Redwood City | Redwood City Police Activities League | Tito Alvarez | tito@redwoodcitypal.org |
Reedley | City of Reedley | Taylor Cardenas | Taylor.Cardenas@reedley.ca.gov |
Reno | Boys & Girls Club of Truckee Meadows (Reno) | Jake Clark | jclark@bgctm.org |
Richmond | Richmond Police Activities League | Jerry Anderson | janderson@rpal.org |
Rohnert Park | City of Rohnert Park | Chris Morgan | cmorgan@rpcity.org |
Roseville | Roseville Police Activities League | David Tuggle | dtuggle@roseville.ca.us |
Sacramento | City of Sacramento - Youth, Parks & Community Enrichment | Scott Jensen | sjensen@cityofsacramento.org |
Sacramento- Southgate | Southgate Recreation & Park District | Cheryl Denton | cdenton@southgaterecandpark.net |
Salinas | Salinas Police Activities League | Steven Furtado | sfurtado1270@gmail.com |
San Bruno | San Bruno Junior Giants | Daryl Chin | sanbruno.jrgiants@gmail.com |
San Francisco- Hunters Point | Boys & Girls Clubs of San Francisco | Jake Babick | jbabick@kidsclub.org |
San Francisco- SFRPD | San Francisco Rec & Park | Nate Birnbaum | sfrpd.jrgiants@sfgov.org |
San Jose FMCI | Catholic Charities of Santa Clara County | Maria Garcia | mgarcia2@catholiccharitiesscc.org |
San Jose PAL | San Jose PAL | Walt & Barbara Velasquez | wbsathome177@gmail.com |
San Leandro | City of San Leandro Recreation Division | Erwin Gonzalez | egonzales@sanleandro.org |
San Luis Obispo | City of San Luis Obispo Parks and Recreation | Chris Woods | cwoods@slocity.org |
San Mateo | San Mateo Police Activities League | Amber Shong | alshong@cityofsanmateo.org |
San Pablo | City of San Pablo | San Pablo Community Center | recreation@sanpabloca.gov |
San Rafael | City of San Rafael | Stephen Rogers | stephen.rogers@cityofsanrafael.org |
Sanger | City of Sanger | Joaquin Zamora | JZamora@ci.sanger.ca.us |
Santa Maria | City of Santa Maria Recreation and Parks Department | Veronica Cavazos | vcavazos@cityofsantamaria.org |
Santa Rosa | City of Santa Rosa Recreation & Parks | Jorge Alvarez | jalvarezlemus@srcity.org |
Seaside | City of Seaside | Chris Russo | crusso@ci.seaside.ca.us |
South Lake Tahoe | City of South Lake Tahoe | Emily Abernathy | eabernathy@cityofslt.us |
South San Francisco | City of South San Francisco | Mike Mulkerrins | mike.mulkerrins@ssf.net |
Stockton | City of Stockton | Liz Thompson | elizabeth.thompson@stocktonca.gov |
Suisun City | City of Suisun City | Fernando Pantoja | fpantoja@suisun.com |
Sunnyvale | Sunnyvale Police Activities League | Brian MacMillan | sunnyvalejuniorgiants@gmail.com |
Tracy | City of Tracy | Amanda Jensen | amanda.jensen@cityoftracy.org |
Ukiah | City of Ukiah | Kyle Nuss | knuss@cityofukiah.com |
Vacaville | Vacaville Police Activities League | Vacaville Police Activities League | vacavillepal@cityofvacaville.com |
Vallejo | Greater Vallejo Recreation District | Greater Vallejo Recreation District | recreation@gvrd.org |
Waterford | Stanislaus County Police Activities League | Sean Henschel | shenschel@stancopal.org |
West Sacramento | City of West Sacramento | Victoria Chacon | victoriac@cityofwestsacramento.org |
Willits | Mendocino Sheriff's Activities League | Amber Ojeda | willitsjuniorgiants@gmail.com |
Woodland | Woodland Police Activities League | Robert Pattison | mailto:woodlandjrgcommish@gmail.com |