The Los Angeles Dodgers and Dodgers Foundation are providing critical donations to support local COVID-19 relief efforts that we hope will uplift significantly impacted Angelenos, including our most vulnerable populations and those on the front lines of this crisis.
Relief Efforts
The Los Angeles Dodgers and Dodgers Foundation have been at the heart of Los Angeles' fight against COVID-19. With community need for food and basic needs growing, we established the Dodgers Feed LA program to significantly combat food insecurity in low-income, racially diverse communities across Los Angeles. Using a multi-faceted approach that includes fundraising, awareness building, grantmaking, nonprofit collaborations, and on-the-ground food distributions, the Dodgers aim to strategically address food insecurity that is threatening Los Angeles families. To date over 4.5 million meals have been donated to Los Angeles families via more than 50 distributions. In addition, $3 million in in-kind donations of water, hygiene necessities, gift cards, sports equipment, educational items and Dodger products have been provided to vulnerable families.
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As the situation evolves in the way it impacts community, stay updated on public health information, best practices for staying healthy, community resources and more.