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You thought Guy Fieri's 'normal' hair was scary? Now see him with a mullet at a Giants game

Guy Fieri once had a mullet while at a Giants game

Earlier this week, one photograph truly broke the internet. And no, it's not the one you're thinking of. It was this photoshop of Guy Fieri with (get ready for it) ... Dad hair. 

I don't even know what to think of this. I mean, that's not a guy who knows the transcendent flavors of donkey sauce or has ever stepped foot inside a Johnny Garlic's. That's a man who finds ketchup "too spicy" and can't even find Flavortown on a map. 

Turns out, Fieri didn't always have those blond spikes of fury. He once walked around looking like this: 

This is like stumbling upon the original demo tapes for a band you really like. Sure, some of the pieces are there -- the goatee, the shades, the inherent sense of radness that Fieri exudes -- but something's not quite right. Namely the mullet. 

It's almost as weird as watching Fieri eat in reverse: 

Read More: San Francisco Giants