Watch this: Spider-Man once went to a Mets game and Morgan Freeman was the umpire
Watch Morgan Freeman with Spider-Man at Mets game

The Internet came to life on Monday night as news broke that current film-rights holder Sony Pictures agreed to a deal with Marvel Studios that would see the most popular superhero (at least until people come to truly respect Frog-Man) appear in Marvel films like Avengers 3. Not only that, but the head of Marvel Studios, Kevin Feige, would have a hand in creatively guiding Sony's next batch of Spidey movies, hopefully avoiding the rumored Aunt May film.
Of course, this also looks like Spider-Man is set for another reboot with Andrew Garfield being forced out of the spandex suit. And while that's a shame for the handful of fans who enjoyed the mess of a film that was "The Amazing Spider-Man 2" it also means that the series could be rejuvenated with a new storyline.
And we know just what source material to mine: Namely, this 1970s Electric Company episode that featured Spider-Man taking in a Mets game. Even better, Morgan Freeman appears as the umpire -- we don't even need to recast, he can just take on the role again.
While this story would need to be modernized a little bit, the villainous Wall (a high school student who was turned a Shea Stadium fence) could look plenty more threatening with a touch of CGI rendering:
Although he's already been defeated by Endy Chavez:
And while we may not have a crying Spider-Man in this universe:
We do have Spider-Man-wielding-a-hot-dog-like-a-weapon. Just think of the toys and accessories that could be sold around this:
Even better, when it's time for the eventual sequel, the studio can play up the romance and have Spider-Man get married at CitiField. Which was previously done at Shea Stadium on June 5, 1987, before a midsummer Mets-Pirates tilt:
Most importantly, the nuptials featured these vows which I plan to steal for my future wedding.
Should Kevin Feige choose to go in this direction, it could be the greatest Mets appearance in a film since Bernard Gilkey made a cameo in "Men in Black:"